Issue 2 (63)

  • Issue number: 2 (63)

Table of contents

Title Author(s) Pages
Modern problems of education and professional development of teaching staff
Designing a model for managing professional development of heads of regional general educational institutions Olga Gordashnikova Pages 4-11
Content features of models of regional systems of educators’ in-service training Arkadiy Maron / Elena Koroleva Pages 12-17
Professional development of specialists of education management bodies Inna Chaiko / Svetlana Dovbysh Pages 18-22
Ecology of interaction of region educational space subjects Marina Yakushkina Pages 23-28
Problems of Human Education and Life in the Context of Digital Civilization Valentina Gorshkova Pages 29-35
Digital learning environment: pedagogical сomprehension Olga Shilova Pages 36-41
Management of quality and qualitative management as the basis for managing the future Galina Osipenko / Lyubov Grekova Pages 42-50
Pedagogical anthropology as methodology of organization of educational practice in modern schools Nataliya Malyakova Pages 51-55
Education, Socialization and Personal Development
Principles of Upbringing Value Orientations of Military Educational Institutions of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation National Guard Cadets Michail Starodubtsev / Vasily Zhurkin Pages 56-60
Propaedeutic work with children from dysfunctional families Natalya Rychkova Pages 61-65
The use of projective tests for identifying and correcting aggressive behavior of adolescents in the conditions of an orphanage Natalya Kovaleva Pages 66-71
Implementation of the intra-corporate training program as a condition for the teacher's readiness for college students’ patriotic education Ilya Trotsenko Pages 72-76
Educational Systems and Technologies
Design work as a method of training specialists Working with substitude families Olga Cremezion / Alexander Morozov Pages 77-81
The role of state-public administration in assessing the quality of general education at the municipal level in the Russian Federation Bakhtin Bakhtin / Tatiana Obukhova Pages 82-88
On the issue of increasing the validity of assessment resources, used as part of foreign language training at a non-linguistic university Aleksei Alipichev / Olga Takanova / Andrei Kuznetsov Pages 89-95
Regulation of Assessment of General Education Quality in the Regulatory Activities of Governing Bodies Anna Tormosova Pages 96-102
On the issue of communicative-interactive training of foreign students in the context of a dialogue of cultures Ekaterina Batishcheva Pages 103-109
Activities in the process of developing school readiness: Federal State Educational Standard requirements and work practicies Natalya Nozikova Pages 110-115
Continuing education and specialist training
Digital pedagogical pillars in the system of teachers’ additional professional education Lira Monakhova / Elena Zorina Pages 116-121
Construction and implementation of models of advanced vocational adult education working population: underlying grounds Oleg Kozhevnikov Pages 122-125
Economic discourse as an opportunity to implement interdisciplinary relations in a technical university Evgenia Shakurova / Irina Starchikova / Valentina Mishanova Pages 126-129
Developing artistic and figurative thinking of future fine art teachers Irina Polynskaya / Nadezhda Sezenina Pages 130-133
Pedagogical and Psychological Research, Experiments
Diagnostics of the Level of Teacher’s Professional Competence for Development of Emotional Intelligence of Pre-School Child Oleg Erlikh / Viktor Vinogradov / Irina Samulkina / Valentina Buderetskaya Pages 134-138
Transformation of Teacher's Readiness for Using Digital Educational Resources in the Process of Educational Work with Modern Adolescents Natalya Kalinkina Pages 139-142
Gender differences at rhythmological Learning as part of the single Pedagogical process Natalya Radevskaya Pages 143-147
Relationship of Nervous-Mental Stability and Living Ability of Students - Future Teachers Elena Shereshkova / Ekaterina Volgusnova Pages 148-155
Developing the concept of "helping professions" in the historical and socio-cultural context Marina Bychkova Pages 156-160
Conferences, Seminars, Scientific Discussions
Development of innovation and educational environment in the regional system of secondary vocational education (based on the materials of the regional scientific and practical conference) Vitaly Toporovsky / Anton Moshtakov Pages 161-166

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