Issue 6

  • 920 rub.
  • Issue number: 6

Table of contents

Title Author(s) Pages
The historian's opinion
The revolution we choose. Results and prospects of the «anniversary» boom Vladimir Buldakov Pages 3-26
«There is no need to cross all the historiographical achievements of the past» Olga Malysheva Pages 27-32
Element or conspiracy? Organizational and Administrative Aspect of the Russian Revolution of 1917 Victor Kozodoi Pages 33-42
Professional community
The Centenary of the October revolution in Chinese political, social and scientific thought Yingnan Li Pages 43-56
The 50th anniversary of the October revolution in the American academic periodicals Olga Bolshakova Pages 57-64
Russia and the world
«Dirty evil Russian». The image of Russia on the German postcards of the First World War Aleksandr Medyakov Pages 65-83
Soviet political caricature of the 1920s–1930s Aleksandr Golubev Pages 84-102
History of power
Development of the decree on August 6, 1809 during its implementation in the first third of the 19th century Aleksandr Ferebov Pages 103-120
Source studies
Antipagan texts composed collection of Paisiy: plans of ancient scribes Aleksandr Lushnikov Pages 121-135
Vologda Bishop Anthony and the Russian Church during the struggle for power at the Russian court in the mid-1580s Andrey Usachev Pages 136-146
The Orthodox factor of Russian’s policy in the Balkans in the late 1850s – 1870s Liubov Melnikova Pages 147-161
Restless March of Archbishop Dimitri (Abashidze): Orthodox clergy of Crimea after the victory of the February revolution Vladimir Kalinovsky / Aleksandr Puchenkov Pages 162-168
Institutes and communities
Vesti-Kuranty. 1671–1672 gg. Andrey Guskov Pages 169-173
Nasel’niki Optinoy pustyni XVII–XX vekov: biografitcheskiy spravochnik. Koselsk, 2017 Nikita Komochev Pages 173-174
E.A. Kalinina. Sistema narodnogo prosveshcheniia na Evropeiskom Severe Rossii v pervoy polovine XIX veka Lidiya Koshman Pages 175-176
The formation and development of secular education in the Russian North in the first half of the 19th century Olesya Plekh Pages 176-180
Rossiia v 1905–1907 gg.: entsiklopediia. Tatiana Filippova Pages 180-182
Rossiiskaia revoliutsiia 1917 goda: vlast', obshchestvo, kul'tura. 2 vol. Moscow, 2017 Valeriy Zhuravlev Pages 183-189
An impartial history of the revolution David Schimmelpenninck van der Oye Pages 190-192
Revoliutsiia 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzgliady. Saint Petersburg, 2017 Fedor Seleznev Pages 192-194
Rec. ad op.: A.B. Nikolaev. Dumskaia Revoliutsiia: 27 fevralia – 3 marta 1917 goda. 2 vol. Saint Petersburg, 2017 Kirill Soloviev Pages 195-197
Duma revolution? Aleksandr Puchenkov / Nikolay Smirnov Pages 197-199
K.A. Tarasov. Soldatskiy bol’shevizm. Voennaya organizatsiia bol’shevikov I levoradikal’noye dvizheniie v Petrogradskom garnizone (fevral’ 1917 g. – mart 1918 g.). Saint Petersburg, 2017 Denis Bazhanov / Andrey Nikolaev Pages 200-202
BICH 1917. Sobytiya goda v satire sovremennikov. Moscow, 2017 Irina Belova Pages 203-205
Rec. ad op.: R.G. Gagkuev, A.V. Repnikov. Velikaya Revoliutsiia 1917 goda: illustrirovannaya letopis’. Moscow, 2017 Aleksandr Golubev Pages 206-208
Rec. ad op.: Rossiya i Finlyandiya: ot protivostoyaniya k miru. 1917—1920. Sbornik dokumentov. Moscow, 2017 Vladislav Goldin Pages 208-211
A new book about the Soviet intelligentsia Sergey Voytikov Pages 211-213

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