Theory. Methodology
Post-Socialist Future as a Subject of Sociology Research (from the Standpoint of V. Nersesyant's Civilism Theory) |
Valentina V. Lapaeva
Pages 3-12 |
Social Classes and Exploitation in the USSR: Reflections from the Perspective of E.O. Wright’s Theory |
Juan M. Valdera-Gil
Pages 13-22 |
Social policies. Social structure
Social Consequences of Retirement Age Raising |
Arkadii C. Solovev
Pages 23-31 |
The Status and a Problems of the Gerontogroup (Based on Surveys of the Rostov Region Residents) |
Tatyana S. Kienko
Pages 32-41 |
On the Role of Temporality in the Lives of People with Disabilities |
Valentina N. Yarskaya-Smirnova
Pages 42-48 |
Sociology of education
Special Education for Children with Limited Health Abilities: Factors of Inequality Regions |
Elena V. Kulagina
Pages 49-62 |
Young Teachers in the Context of Differentiation in Higher Education in Russia: Co-operation Practices |
Natalia N. Karmaeva
Nikolai A. Karmaev
Pages 63-72 |
Political sociology
The Impact of Social Networks on Protest Activities (the Case of Armenia) |
Arthur V. Atanesyan
Pages 73-84 |
The Attitude of Russian Students to Color Revolutions |
Sergey B. Surovov
Alexandr V. Malko
Ivan N. Konovalov
Larisa V. Loginova
Pages 85-97 |
Sociology of mass communications
Communicative Mechanisms of Modern Conceptual Oppositions |
Tamara Z. Adamyants
Pages 98-105 |
Reciprocity in Mutual Aid Networks (on the Data of a Regional Study) |
Evgeniy V. Reutov
Marina N. Reutova
Irina V. Shavyrina
Pages 106-117 |
History of sociology
L.I. Petrazhitsky as a Sociologist of Law |
Alexander N. Savenkov
Vladimir S. Gorban
Pages 118-128 |
First Forum of Russian Sociologists – a New Stage in USSR Sociology Institutionalizing |
Asalhan O. Boronoev
Pages 129-136 |
Facts. Comments. Notes
On Housing Problems Solving Mechanisms (the Case of Volgograd) |
Natalia A. Skobelina
Pages 137-144 |
On the Sources of Crisis in South Eastern Europe Societies |
Mimo V. Drachkovich
Pages 145-149 |
Academic events
Theoretical and Empirical Knowledge in Sociology: Recent Challenges and Prospects for Interaction (XX Kharchev's Readings) |
Nikolay V. Romanovskiy
Pages 150-152 |
Families Through the Lens of Diversity (Notes on the 9th ESFR Congress) |
Antonina V. Noskova
Elena I. Kuzmina
Pages 153-155 |
Study and Regulation of Ethnosocial Processes in Russia |
Gulnara F. Gabdrakhmanova
Guzel I. Makarova
Pages 156-158 |
Book reviews
Model of Income Stratification of the Russian Society: Dynamics, Factors, Interstrane Comparisons/ Ed. by N.E. Tikhonova. M.; SPb., 2018. 308 p. Reviewed by Yu.V. Latov |
Yuri Latov
Pages 159-163 |
Shcherbina V.V. Rationalizing Diagnostic Social Managnemet Technologies. M., 2018. 416 p. Reviewed by E.А. Grishina |
Elena А. Grishina
Pages 163-165 |