On the Sources of Crisis in South Eastern Europe Societies

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Head of Department
Affiliation: Marine Management and Logistics Department of University of Montenegro
Address: Montenegro, Kotor
Journal nameSotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
EditionIssue 3

This article analyzes phenomenologically and critically the problems of the cultural and moral crisis, the growing dynamics of spreading socio-pathological phenomena (which reduce the social and economic choice, and enhance privileged choice and fiasco of institutional changes). A large number of negative processes and trends has been noticed in the crisis environment of transitional post-socialist societies of South Eastern Europe, which spread and threaten the development (social, economic, institutional, scientific, educational, cultural, intellectual, creative, and value). It is concluded that those are essentially systemic errors which damaged the general culture, as well as institutional failures and errors connected to the unprincipled use of the political party machinery. In this sense, the evolutionary development path, based on the mass interests (of the state and the people) has been ignored and replaced by the velvet revolution, dominated by the interests of political parties, groups, and rare individuals.

Keywordscrisis, transition, culture, institutions, socioptological phenomena, opportunistic behavior, violence
Publication date25.03.2019
Number of characters12894
100 rub.
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