Palaces or Funeral Temples? On Functions of the Abidos Enclosures |
Roman A. Orekhov
Pages 6-20 |
Disputes about Hellenism |
Archil S. Balakhvantsev
Pages 21-31 |
Duana's Burial Ground on Ustyurt of the 3rd–4th Centuries A.D. (According to the Archaeological and Anthropological Data) |
Vadim Yagodin
Egor Kitov
Vadim Yagodin
Pages 32-49 |
References to Genghis Khan in Russian Chronicles |
Andrey Astaykin
Yuliy Drobyshev
Pages 49-59 |
Selection and Training of Oriental Translators and Interpreters of the Russian Ambassadorial Chancellery in the 17th Century |
Dusmamat Kulmamatov
Pages 60-71 |
About the Residents of the Indian Trading Yard in Astrakhan (on the Materials of the 18th Century) |
Kseniia D. Nikolskaia
Pages 72-82 |
Russian Military Intelligence in Persia in 1879–1905: the Role of the Per-sian Cossack Brigade |
Oleg Gokov
Pages 83-93 |
Documentary Collection as an Instrument of “Soft Power” in Russian-Mongolian Relationships. Thoughts of Historiographers |
Leonid Kuras
Boris Bazarov
Pages 94-101 |
African Migration to Italy: Causes, Local Ethnic Communities and Integration Process |
Varvara Slivkina
Tatiana S. Pronina
Pages 102-112 |
The Rural Agricultural Neighbors’ Communities: Logic vs History |
Leonid Alaev
Pages 113-125 |
Reception of the Idea of Confucius Sagacity in PRC’s Philosophical Thought (1949–1976) |
Tatiana Klementeva
Pages 126-137 |
Urdu Language, Its Role and Status in Pakistan |
Ludmila Vasilyeva
Pages 138-149 |
The Laughing Culture of the Peoples of Mali and Guinea (Senankuya) |
Olga Zavyalova
Petr A. Kutsenkov
Pages 150-160 |
Portraits of the Modern Turkish Authors and Readers |
Maria M. Repenkova
Pages 161-168 |
Translations from Tibetan Language: Principles, Goals, Methods, History, and Modernity |
Boris Erokhin
Pages 169-179 |
Movement for the Restoration of Monarchy after the Xinhai Revolution (Data from Russian Archives). Restoration of the Qing Monarchy by Zhang Xun |
Sergius Kuzmin
Sergey Dmitriev
Pages 180-195 |
Historical Experience in the Implementation of Strategies for Spatial Regional Development in China (1949–2019) |
Svetlana B. Makeeva
Pages 196-206 |
Austrian Pioneers of South Arabian Studies |
Vitaliy Naumkin
Pages 207-226 |
On Understanding of Some Fragments in the Hieroglyphic Satrap Stela |
Ivan Ladynin
Pages 227-241 |
[Review of:] Russian-Mongolian Military Cooperation (1911–1946). Collection of Documents. 2nd ed. Pt. I – 360 pp., Pt. II – 328 pp. Moscow: “Granitsa”, 2019. ISBN 978-45-9933-0196-9; ISBN 978-45-9933-0197-6 (Pt. I); ISBN 978-45-9933-0198-3 (Pt. 2). |
Vladimir V. Grayvoronskiy
Pages 242-246 |
[Review of:] Shimon Peres. No Room for Small Dreams. Courage, Imagi-nation, and the Making of Modern Israel. Мoscow: “Mann, Ivanov & Fer-ber”, 2020. 320 р. |
Alexander Lokshin
Pages 247-253 |
IN MEMORIAM Stanisław Robert Kuczera |
Editor Journal "Vostok"
Pages 254-258 |