Professional community
Century of study of the New Economic Policy. Time to take stock? |
Mikhail Mukhin
Pages 3-14 |
In memory of Nikolai Alekseevich Ivnitsky – chronicler of the tragedy of the Soviet village |
Viktor Kondrashin
Pages 15-27 |
For the Centenary of Valeriya Mikhailovna Selunskaya (1920–2020) |
Mariya Zezina
Irina Koznova
Valentina Ryzhenko
Pages 28-33 |
Institutes and communities
Landlords of the Russian Empire in the second half of the 18th century |
Aleksandr Feofanov
Pages 34-44 |
The Urals Industry
The reform of the mining industry in the Russian Empire in the beginning of the 19th century: legal peculiarities and institutional implementation |
Vyacheslav Manin
Pages 45-58 |
The Urals State mining enterprise in the mid 1850s – early 1870s: dynamics of production and reasons for privatization |
George Shumkin
Pages 59-76 |
Ideas and images
The economic development of Russia at the turn of the 1880–1890s in the coverage of the magazine «Russkoye obozreniye» |
Maxim Medovarov
Pages 77-91 |
History of power
Government measures for the revival of Baku oil fields in 1905–1907 |
Valeriy Stepanov
Pages 92-107 |
«The debate must be guillotined»: Soviet state planning congresses and the problem of choosing the path of development |
Mikhail Feldman
Pages 108-123 |
The USSR State Bank in 1927–1929: staff «sanation» before the large-scale purging of the Soviet government apparatus |
Michael Nikolaev
Pages 124-141 |
Leading personnel of the forest industry during pre-war industrialization |
Evgeny Voeikov
Pages 142-154 |
Russian North
Mining activity of the trust «Arcticugol» on Spitsbergen under short-term planning and extreme climate, 1934–1941 |
Vasily Borovoy
Pages 155-166 |
Formation of the construction’s industrial base in Khanty-Mansi national district in the 1960s |
Alexander Prischepa
Pages 167-175 |
To the 85th anniversary of S.V. Tyutyukin
S.V. Tiutiukin and the journal «Otechestvennaia istoriia» |
Igor Khristoforov
Pages 176-182 |
Second profession |
Andrey Mamonov
Pages 183-189 |
Discussing recent books
About Lenin, the Party and its «indestructible unity» |
Andrey Kurenishev
Pages 191-195 |
War and peace of Sergei Voytikov |
Mikhail Zelenov
Pages 195-198 |
«Excerpt, view and something». New «Essais» on the history of the Communist movement in Russia and USSR |
Michael Morukov
Pages 198-200 |
«Bottlenecks» of The Big Picture |
Vladimir Kruglov
Pages 201-203 |
The Bolshevik leadership of 1917 – 1920s in the new book of S.S. Voytikov |
Oleg Kapchinskiy
Pages 203-204 |
Rec. ad op.: M.M. Dadykina, A.V. Kraykovskiy, U.A. Layus. Pomorskiye promysly na Shpitsbergene v XVIII – nach. XIX v. Issledovaniye. Dokumenty. Moscow; Saint Petersburg, 2017 |
Sergey Nikonov
Pages 205-210 |
The Urals Mining on the eve of the Russian revolutions of the early 20th century |
Andrey Speranskiy
Pages 210-213 |
The lost heritage of Russian agricultural science |
Vasily Chernoperov
Sergei Usmanov
Pages 213-216 |
Rec. ad op.: V.N. Shakhovskoy. Tak prokhodit mirskaya slava. 1893–1917. Moscow, 2019 |
Fyodor Gayda
Pages 216-220 |
Rec. ad op.: E.G. Istomina. Lesa Rossii: ekologicheskaya i sotsioekonomicheskaya istoriya (XVIII – nachalo XX v.). Moscow, 2019 |
Valeriy Durnovtsev
Pages 220-225 |
Rec. ad op.: M.Yu. Mukhin. Pokoleniye «0». Nauchno-issledovatel’skiye i opytno-konstruktorskiye raboty v oblasti reaktivnoy aviatsii v SSSR v gody Velikoy Otechestvennoy voyny. Moscow, 2019 |
Evgeniy Podrepniy
Pages 225-229 |
C. Miller. The struggle to save the Soviet economy: Mikhail Gorbachev and the collapse of the USSR. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2016. 264 p. |
Shiqi Zhuang
Pages 229-233 |