Anthropology beyond Human: Post-Humanistic Influences [Antropologiia za predelami chelovecheskogo: postgumanisticheskie vliianiia] |
Magdalena Kozhevnikova
Pages 5-12 |
In Search of Objectivity: The Work of N.N. Ladygina-Kohts and the Problem of the Human-Animal Boundary [V poiskakh ob’ektivnosti: issledovaniia N.N. Ladyginoi-Kots i problema razgranicheniia liudei i zhivotnykh] |
Kirill Rossiianov
Pages 13-29 |
The Problem of Anthropomorphization in the Study of Non-Human Animals [Problema antropomorfizatsii v issledovanii nechelovecheskikh zhivotnykh] |
Magdalena Kozhevnikova
Pages 30-40 |
Anthrozootic Capital: People and Animals in “Moscow and Muscovites” by V.A. Gilyarovsky [Zooantropnaia stolitsa: liudi i zhivotnye v “Moskve i moskvichakh” V.A. Giliarovskogo] |
Anastasiia Lokteva
Pages 41-54 |
Rat and the Binaries of Modernity [Krysa protiv binarnoi logiki sovremennosti] |
Gabriela Jarzebowska
Pages 55-63 |
Animals as People: From Universal Production to Collective Creativity [Zhivotnye kak liudi: ot universal’nogo proizvodstva k kollektivnomu tvorchestvu] |
Oxana Timofeeva
Pages 64-75 |
Waldemar Jochelson in the Sibiryakov Expedition (Drawn on the 1895 Field Diaries) [V.I. Iokhelson v Sibiriakovskoi ekspeditsii (po materialam putevykh zapisei 1895 g.)] |
Anna A. Sirina
Pages 76-93 |
Perception of Migrants by Muscovites Through the Lens of the Contact Hypothesis [Otnoshenie moskvichei k migrantam skvoz’ prizmu kontaktnoi gipotezy] |
Natalya Kosmarskaya
Igor Savin
Pages 94-111 |
The Migrant Shuttle Van Drivers in the Perceptions of Chelyabinsk Residents [Migranty – voditeli marshrutok v vospriiatii zhitelei Cheliabinska] |
Andrey Avdashkin
Pages 112-123 |
Insiders or Strangers? Changing Cross-Border Practices and Attitudes Towards Neighbors in Belgorod and Rostov Regions of Russia after 2014 [Svoi ili chuzhie? Transformatsiia prigranichnykh praktik i otnoshenie k sosediam v Belgorodskoi i Rostovskoi oblastiakh Rossii posle 2014 g.] |
Maria Zotova
Anton Gritsenko
Sabine von Löwis
Pages 124-144 |
An Echo of the Soviet Past (Siberian Cases) [Kitaiskie teplitsy: ekho sovetskogo proshlogo (sibirskie keisy)] |
Yulia Koreshkova
Pages 145-162 |
The Venerated Crypts in the Vvedensky Cemetery in Moscow: “The Black Savior” – the History of a Cult [Pochitaemye sklepy na Vvedenskom kladbishche v Moskve: “Chernyi Spasitel” – istoriia kul’ta] |
Andrey Moroz
Pages 163-178 |
Sacred Places in the Vaupes–Apaporis Interfluve (Colombia, Amazonia) and the Sociocultural Space of Indigenous Peoples of the Region [Sakral'ny'e mesta mezhdurech'ya Vaupesa i Apaporisa i sociokul'turnoe prostranstvo korenny`x narodov regiona] |
Andrey Matusovskiy
Pages 179-195 |
On the Issue of Ethnic Consolidation of the Gypsies [K probleme protsessov etnicheskoi konsolidatsii tsygan]: A Review of Tsygane [The Gypsies], edited by N.G. Demeter and A.V. Chernykh |
Alexander Novik
Alexander Yu. Rusakov
Pages 196-201 |
Scholarship on Ritual at a Novel Level? [Nauka o rituale na novom urovne?]: A Review of Ritual Renaissance: New Insights into the Most Human of Behaviours, edited by C.H. Legare and M.G. Nielsen |
Alexander Kozintsev
Pages 201-206 |
A New Look at Contacts between the Puritans and the Algonquians [Novyi vzgliad na kontakty mezhdu puritanami i algonkinami]: A Review of “Sviatye” i “dikari”: vzaimootnosheniia kolonistov i korennogo naseleniia Novoi Anglii v XVII v. [“Saints” and “Savages”: Native-Colonial Relations in 17th Century New England], by G.V. Aleksandrov |
Denis V. Vorobiev
Pages 206-209 |