Issue 6

  • 800 rub.
  • Issue number: 6

Table of contents

Title Author(s) Pages
Toward the 130th Anniversary of “Etnograficheskoe Obozrenie”
From the Editors [Alymov, S.S.] Goals Accomplished? (In Way of Introduction to the Publication of D.N. Anuchin’s “On the Goals of Russian Ethnography”) [Vypolnennye zadachi? (V kachestve predisloviia k publikatsii stat’i D.N. Anuchina “O zadachakh russkoi etnografii”)] Sergey S. Alymov Pages 5-10
On the Goals of Russian Ethnography [O zadachakh russkoi etnografii] Dmitrij N. Anuchin Pages 11-28
Special Theme of the Issue: From the Global to the Local (guest editor D. Yu. Sivkov)
Steps and Leaps: The Anthropology of Space in Search of Scale [Shagi i skachki: antropologiia kosmosa v poiskakh masshtaba] Denis Yu. Sivkov Pages 29-33
From Pan-Anarchism to AOism and AIIZ’m: An Essay in the History and Mythology of an Alien Tribe [Ot pananarkhizma k AOizmu i AIIZu: istoriia odnogo inoplanetnogo ple- meni] Eugene V. Kuchinov Pages 34-48
A Complex Amateur Expedition for Studying the Tunguska Meteorite: A Search for an Outer Space Alternative Form of Sociality in the Depth of Soviet Science? [Kompleksnaia samodeiatel’naia ekspeditsiia po izucheniiu Tungusskogo meteorita: poiski al’ternativnykh form sotsial’nosti glubokogo kosmosa v nedrakh sovetskoi nauki] Irina G. Popravko / Ivan Tchalakov Pages 49-66
Space Exploration at Home: Amateur Cosmonautics in Contemporary Russia [Osvoenie kosmosa v domashnikh usloviiakh: liubitel’skaia kosmonavtika v sovremennoi Rossii] Denis Yu. Sivkov Pages 67-79
The Space That Doesn’t Belong to Us: A Visual Anthropology of Screen Aliens [Kosmos, kotoryi nam ne prinadlezhit: vizual’naia antropologiia ekrannykh inoplanetian] Alexander S. Vetushinskiy Pages 80-91
The Revered Wellsprings of the Tyumen Region: Research Platform and Outcomes [Pochitaemye vodnye istochniki Tiumenskoi oblasti: itogi i platforma issledovaniia] Elena E. Ermakova Pages 92-137
Research Articles
Aspects of Identity of the Russian-Ukrainian Population in the Border Areas of Russia [Osobennosti identichnosti russko-ukrainskogo naseleniia prigranichnykh territorii Rossii] Vasiliy V. Bublikov Pages 138-157
“Father’s Kin”, or “Autosomal Dominant Inheritance”: Reconsidering the Opposition between Illness and Disease [“V papinu porodu…”, ili “autosomno-dominantnoe nasledovanie”: pereosmysliaia oppozitsiiu illness/disease] Aleksandra S. Kurlenkova / Alexander A. Shirokov Pages 158-171
To Eat or Not to Eat: Dietary Prohibitions in the Yakut Culture [Est’ ili ne est’: pishchevye zaprety v yakutskoi kul’ture] Liubomira G. Romanova Pages 172-183
Review of “O tamo, kaie!” Vospominaniia i razmyshleniia uchenogo-puteshestvennika [“O Tamo, Kaie!”: Memoirs and Reflections of a Scholar-Traveler], by D.D. Tumarkin Sergey A. Arutyunov / Natalia L. Zhukovskaya Pages 184-187
Review of “O tamo, kaie!” Vospominaniia i razmyshleniia uchenogo-puteshestvennika [“O Tamo, Kaie!”: Memoirs and Reflections of a Scholar-Traveler], by D.D. Tumarkin Sergey S. Alymov Pages 187-191
Review of Sotsial’nye faktory mezhetnicheskoi napriazhennosti v Rossii [Social Factors of Interethnic Tension in Russia], edited by Yu.B. Epikhina and M.F. Chernysh Vasily Filippov Pages 192-194
Review of Science, Culture and the Search for Life on Other Worlds, by J.W. Traphagan Igor V. Chininov Pages 195-197

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