A Word from Editor-in-Chief |
Editor Journal "Vostok"
Pages 6-7 |
Where Was Madīnat al-Khaṭṭ, The Sasanid Stronghold In North-Eastern Arabia? |
Dmitry Mishin
Pages 8-16 |
Reflection of Mongolian Imperial Ideas in the Medieval Georgian Sources |
Yuliy Drobyshev
Pages 17-27 |
What Lies Ahead: Main Trends and Contradictions of Economic Growth in Developed and Developing Countries on the Threshold of the 2020s |
Alexander V. Akimov
Vitalii A. Meliantsev
Pages 28-41 |
Competitive Advantages of Tourism Business in Arab Countries |
Svetlana Rastvortseva
Fariza Palchaeva
Pages 42-53 |
The Russian-Mongolian Relations in the Second Half of the 17th Century. |
Mark Gol’man
Pages 54-67 |
Between Reality and Fiction: Peace Negotiations of General N.N. Muraviev on “Recognition of the Independence of Shamil`s Imamate under Russian Protectorate” (1855–1856) |
Patimat Takhnaeva
Pages 68-81 |
Perception of Geographical Destinations of 19th Century Arab Slave Trade in Modern Tanzania: Field Research Results |
Anastasia Banschikova
Valentina Bryndina
Oksana V. Ivanchenko
Pages 82-93 |
Political and Legal Aspects of the U.S.–Iranian Confrontation in the Strait of Hormuz and Adjacent Waters According to Different Versions of Events |
Pavel Gudev
Pages 94-110 |
A Sketch of Russian Language Study in Central Province of Zhili during the Qing Dynasty in the End of 18th Century – the Beginning of 20th Century (the Example of Tianjin) |
Pavel Lapin
Pages 111-127 |
Movement for the Restoration of Monarchy after the Xinhai Revolution (Data from Russian Archives). Early Stage of the Activity of Zongshedang Party |
Sergius Kuzmin
Sergey Dmitriev
Pages 128-136 |
“A Bouquet from Four Flower Gardens of Prosperity”: Palace Servants of the Great Mughals |
Eugenia Yu. Vanina
Pages 137-150 |
The Problem of Translation of the Bible in the Malay Language and Its Impact on Interconfesssional Relations in Malaysia |
Victor Pogadaev
Pages 151-159 |
G. Roerich’s Contribution to Russian Indology |
Alla M. Shustova
Pages 160-177 |
Harpocrates with a Pot: Egyptian Terracotta Figurines of Graeco-Roman Period from the Collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts |
Olga A. Vasilyeva
Svetlana E. Malykh
Pages 178-190 |
Tamgas and Runic Inscription on Two Vessels from Muruisky Island on the Angara River |
Vladimir V. Tishin
Alexey Rogozhinskiy
Nikolai Seregin
Pages 191-206 |
Correspondence between Nicholas of Japan and Baron F. R. Osten-Sacken |
Andrey Kulikov
Pages 207-217 |
[Review of:] Perepiolkin L. S. East in the East, in Russia and in the West: cross-border migrations and diasporas. Ed. S. A. Panarin. Saint Petersburg: Institute of Oriental Studies of the RAS, Nestor-Istoriia, 2016, 314 p. ISBN 978-5-4469-0883-7 |
Lev Perepiolkin
Pages 218-223 |
[Review of:] Olferiev S.P. In the Headwaters of the Tiger. A Diary and Travelogue, Compiled by the Court Adviser Olferiev during a Trip to the Nestorian Lands in the Fall of 1912 / S.P. Olferiev; Comp. by I.V. Zaitsev; RAS (Russian Academy of Sciences) Archive, Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INION), 2017. 398 p. Il. ISBN 978-5-248-00861-2 |
Nodar Mossaki
Pages 224-227 |
Editor Journal "Vostok"
Pages 228-230 |