Issue 6

  • Issue number: 6

Table of contents

Title Author(s) Pages
Plant growing
Рrospects of low pentosane grain fodder rye use for baking purposes O. Solodukhina / V. Kobylyansky / L. Kuznetsova / N. Lavrenteva / M. Timina Pages 3-5
Evaluation of quantitative transgression traits of the spring barley hybrids A. Klykov / N. Pavlova / G. Murugova Pages 6-8
The influence of fertilizers and protection measures complex on crop capacity and quality of potato tubers of different varieties V. Titova / A. Chudokvasov Pages 9-12
Рerspective technologies of isolated tissue culture in sugar beet breeding process E. Kolesnikova / T. Zhuzhzhalova / N. Cherkasova / E. Vasilchenko Pages 13-17
Effect of plasma treatment of soybean seeds on their quality and development of seedlings M. Vasilev / V. Sinegovskaya / L. Kamanina / O. Petrov Pages 18-20
Аn ensemble of tubulins in onion roots and their properties K. Zubov / V. Zubov / A. Zubov Pages 21-24
Еxperimental test of net photosynthetic light-response curves in estimating of photosynthetic activity by the example of ornamental plants S. Korsakova / Yu. Plugatar / O. Ilnitsky Pages 25-32
Influence of pollution of the chernozem ordinary by oil and lead on growth and development of spring barley S. Kolesnikov / D. Zubkov / M. Zharkova / K. Kazeev / Yu. Akimenko Pages 33-25
Еffect of the degree of initial reclaiming on the agrochemical parameters of long-fallow sod-podzolic soils A. Lednev / A. Dmitriev / N. Pegova / D. Popov Pages 36-38
Аgrochemical profile of sod-podzolic soil under mixed forest N. Zavyalova / M. Vasbieva / D. Fomin / I. Teterlev Pages 39-41
Drop watering of rees on light brown soils of Volga hills I. Kruzhilin / N. Dubenok / M. Ganiev / K. Rodin / A. Bolotin / V. Melichov Pages 42-44
Animal husbandry
Disclosure of the productive potential of the growing young pigs with the use of animal feed, enriched by bio-organic complex of iron M. Chabaev / R. Nekrasov / I. Moshkutelo / E. Tsis / V. Nadeev / M. Ulimbashev Pages 45-48
Structure of bone and its strength in local and introduced cattle M. Ulimbashev / M. Ulimbashev / V. Kulintsev / B. Efendiev / N. Konik Pages 49-51
Тhe increase in exocrine pancreatic secretion in chicken fed diet supplemented with a flavor enhancer Vladimir Vertiprakhov / A. Grozina Pages 52-55
Study of toxic properties of high-molecular water-soluble polymer N. Grudina / V. Bydanova / N. Grudin Pages 56-57
Veterinary science
Сorrective influence of Нentabiferon-Сon the immune status of post-weaned piglets and its effectiveness in the prevention of intestinal infections G. Vostroilova / A. Shakhov / S. Shabunin / L. Sashnina / P. Parshin / L. Cheskidova / Yu. Kantorovich Pages 58-61
Тhe method and apparatus of enhancing homogeneity of a mixture of therapeutic feeds and premixes V. Syrovatka / N. Zhdanova / A. Obukhov Pages 62-64
Influence of the volatile inhibitor ifhan-114 on the efficiency of a number of contact galvanic metal pairs and the rate of corrosion of their constituents in the atmosphere of livestock buildings V. Vigdorovich / L. Knyazeva / L. Tsygankova / A. Dorokhova / A. Dorokhov / A. Uryadnikov Pages 65-69

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