Аgrochemical profile of sod-podzolic soil under mixed forest

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Perm scientific centre of Russian Academy of sciences (PFITS Uro Ran)
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Perm scientific centre of Russian Academy of sciences (PFITS Uro Ran)
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Perm state agricultural academy
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Perm state agricultural academy
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameRossiiskaia selskokhoziaistvennaia nauka
EditionNumber 6

The characteristic of agrochemical properties and nitrogen regimen of sod-podzolic soil of the Pre-Urals under a mixed forest is presented. It was established, the investigated soil is characterized by a highly acidic reaction of the throughout the profile, it has a pronounced podzolic horizon 10 cm in thickness, depleted of calcium and magnesium cations. The humus content sharply decreases from 4.44% in the eluvial-humus horizon to 0.27% in the parent rock. It is shown that the total nitrogen content decreases from 3318 mg/kg in the A horizon to 644 mg/kg in the A B horizon and then changes insignificantly. The soil is characterized by a high 1 2 percentage of nonhydrolyzable (64.91 %) and hardly hydrolyzable nitrogen (24.81%) and a low content of mineral nitrogen assimilated by plants (2.36%) in the eluvial-humus horizon. It was revealed that the supply of nitrogen mobile forms in forest soil is high, the content of easily hydrolyzable nitrogen is 267.4 mg/kg, of mineral nitrogen is 73.8 mg/kg.

Keywordssod podzolic soil (Eutric Albic Retisols (Abruptic)), mixed forest, agrochemical properties, fractional nitrogen composition
Publication date18.12.2018
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