Issue 3

  • 920 rub.
  • Issue number: 3

Table of contents

Title Author(s) Pages
Perestroika through the Eyes of an Employee of the International Department of the Central Committee of the CPSU Valeriy Musatov
Modern History
Absolutism and Liberty. Russian Translations of the “The Prince” of Machiavelli and “Anti-Machiavel” by Friedrich the Great Mark Yusim Pages 3-8
“America” in the Context of Terminological Variation: a Spanish View Elena Novoselova Pages 9-15
The Problem of USA’s Relations with Indian Tribes during the Articles of Confederation (1781–1787) Anna Fofanova Pages 16-32
XXth Century
German-American Contacts on the Issues of the Truce and Reaction to Them in the Political Circles of France (October-November 1918) Boris Atchkinasi Pages 33-47
Shot 26 Commissars of the Baku Commune: the Myths and Realities of the Soviet-British Relations in the Caucasus and Central Asia 1918 Evgeny Sergeev Pages 48-60
The Actual Establishment of the Comintern: the Second Congress of 1920 Alexander Vatlin Pages 61-75
Ideological Origins of National Socialism Sergey Artamoshin Pages 76-88
The 1956 Hungarian Crisis and the Beginning of the Formation of the Romanian National Model of Communism Alexandr Stykalin Pages 89-103
The Evolution of German Ostpolitik in 1991-1994 Philipp Trunov Pages 104-117
British Intelligence Services and Discussions around the Creation of an Anti-Bolshevik Coalition in 1918-1919 Andrei Ivanov Pages 118-128
Current History
Russian-Kazakhstan Cooperation in the Context of International Projects Renal'd Kh. Simonyan Pages 129-138
Methodology. Historiography. Source Study
Beginning of the Era of Confrontation (to the Release of the Book of V. L. Malkov "Entry into the Nuclear Era") Igor Orlik Pages 139-145
Napoleon Bonaparte in Historical Memory: between Myth, Brand and Legend Natalya Tanshina Pages 146-166
On the History of the Allies' “Northern Expedition” in Russia Viktor Malkov Pages 167-171
Documentary Essays
Marshal Pétain Petr Cherkasov Pages 204-218
Child Rearing in American Families in St. Petersburg in the 19th Century Svetlana Paulson Pages 219-227
The British Theme in 1890s on the Pages of “Russkoe Obozrenie” Journal Maxim Medovarov Pages 228-324
Book Reviews
L. S. Kheyfets, V. L. Kheyfets. Komintern i Latinskaya Amerika: lyudi, struktury, resheniya. M.: izd-vo ROSSPEN, 2019, 759 s. Alexey Manukhin Pages 235-237
N. P. Tan'shina. Samoderzhaviye i liberalizm: epokha Nikolaya I i Lui-Filippa Orleanskogo. M.: izd-vo «Politicheskaya entsiklopediya», 2018, 335 s. A. Branitskiy Pages 238-240
E. Ciconte. La grande matanza. Storia della guerra al brigantaggio. Bari – Roma: Editori Laterza, 2018, 277 р. Irina Eman Pages 241-243
Scholarly Life
All-Russian Scientific and Practical Colloquium in Oryol O. Kazakova / Tamara Gella / Natalya Tanshina Pages 244-246
Scientific Conference "Yalta 1945: Lessons from History" Ksenia Gernet Pages 246-247

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