The 1956 Hungarian Crisis and the Beginning of the Formation of the Romanian National Model of Communism

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Leading Researcher
Affiliation: Institute for Slavic Studies RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameNovaia i noveishaia istoriia
EditionIssue 3

Based on archival sources, taking into account the modern historiography of the issue, the article attempts to identify the influence of the Hungarian uprising of 1956 on the formation of the specific Romanian national model of socialism. As a result, it was concluded that under the influence of both the 20th CPSU Congress, and especially the uprising in neighboring Hungary, which greatly frightened the Romanian communist elite, the leadership of the Romanian Workers Party, headed by G. Gheorghiu-Dej, was afraid of liberal trends that weakened it uncontrolled power, began to build a new model of relations with Moscow, create mechanisms for covert opposition not only to the Hungarian and Polish, but not least to the Soviet influence, seeing in it a destabilizing factor.

KeywordsXX Congress of the CPSU, the Hungarian uprising of 1956, the Soviet bloc, Soviet-Romanian relations, Hungarian-Romanian relations, de-Stalinization
Publication date23.04.2019
Number of characters60155
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