Shot 26 Commissars of the Baku Commune: the Myths and Realities of the Soviet-British Relations in the Caucasus and Central Asia 1918

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Senior Researcher, Professor
Institute of World History, RAS
Russian State University for the Humanities
State Academic University for Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameNovaia i noveishaia istoriia
EditionIssue 3

The author of the article proposes a new interpretation of the plot related to the fall of the Baku Commune and the demise of its leaders, based on previously unknown or closed materials of Russian and British archives, as well as diaries and memoirs of participants of events. The main attention is paid to the impact of the tragic episode of the Civil War and foreign intervention on the development of Soviet-British relations during the first decade of the Bolshevik regime in Soviet Russia.

KeywordsSoviet-British relations, Civil War in Russia, foreign intervention, the Baku Commune
Publication date23.04.2019
Number of characters46738
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