Andrei Manakov

Doctor of Geographical Sciences


Pskov State University


social, political, cultural, ethnic, confessional geography, historical geography of the population, demogeography, geography of tourism

By this author

Title (en) Readers community rating
Territorial structure of the ethnocultural space of Kazakhstan and Central Asia based on the results of population censuses of 1959 and 1970 (Pskov Journal of Regional Studies) -
Transformation of the ethnic space of Kazakhstan and Central Asia between population censuses of 1970 and 1989 (Pskov Journal of Regional Studies) -
Features of the territorial structure of the ethnic space of Central Asia at the turn of XX century (Pskov Journal of Regional Studies) -
Geography of tourism of Estonia within the framework of cross-border touristic-recreational region formation (Pskov Journal of Regional Studies) -
Theoretical basis and structure of the “Ethnocultural and landscape atlas of Pskov region" (Pskov Journal of Regional Studies) -
Dynamics of touristic exchange between Russia and neighbouring countries of North Europe in 2004–2018 (Pskov Journal of Regional Studies) -
Geographical analysis of Russian population dynamics in Baltic republics, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova in the second half of the 20th century (Pskov Journal of Regional Studies) -
Evaluation of the experience of administrative-territorial transformations in Russia (Pskov Journal of Regional Studies) -
Territorial structure of ethno-cultural space of European Russia at the turn of 19–20th centuries (Pskov Journal of Regional Studies) -
The main trends of ethnic transformation in the post-Soviet space (Pskov Journal of Regional Studies) -
Russian as a native language in the post-Soviet space in comparison with the results of the 1989 census (Pskov Journal of Regional Studies) -
Russian language knowledge by the titular peoples of the republics of Russia and Neighboring countries (Pskov Journal of Regional Studies) -
Transformation of the ethnic structure of the population of the regions of the Soviet Union between the 1939 and 1989 census (Pskov Journal of Regional Studies) -
Formation of ethnic and language structure of the population of the Republic of Belarus and ethnodemographic forecast until 2069 (Pskov Journal of Regional Studies) -
Title peoples of the republics of Russia: ethno-demographic trends since 1939 (Pskov Journal of Regional Studies) -
Dynamics of ethnic groups in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania since 1959 and forecast until 2061 (Pskov Journal of Regional Studies) -
Dynamics of ethnic and language groups in Ukraine since 1959 and evaluation for 2021 (Pskov Journal of Regional Studies) -
Assessment of the degree of heterogeneity of the ethnic structure of the population of the Crimea from 1897 to 2014 (Pskov Journal of Regional Studies) -
Changes in the structure and distribution of inbound tourist flow in Bulgaria during the COVID-19 pandemic (Pskov Journal of Regional Studies) -
Dynamics of the index of ethnic polarization in the republic of Russia in the context of the concept of ethnic contact zones (Pskov Journal of Regional Studies) -
Ethnic heterogeneity of the urban and rural population of the regions of Russia according to the results of the 2021 census (Pskov Journal of Regional Studies) -