Issue 2

  • 800 rub.
  • Issue number: 2

Table of contents

Title Author(s) Pages
Between Rome and Prague. Jan from Příbram - a Catholic Hussite and Hussite Catholic I. Ridel Pages 3-10
Concerning the structure and sources of the Chronicle of Samoilo Velychko T. Tairova-Yakovleva Pages 11-24
Material embodiments and images of the «Russian nationality» in the exhibitions' expositions of the second half of the nineteenth century: expected, actual and ideal Maria Leskinen Pages 25-41
Concerning the sources of comparison «as some of the skillful pearl divers...» from the Panegyric of Varlaam of Khutyn by Pachomius Logothetes Nataliya Pak Pages 42-54
The destiny of heteroclitic stems in the Proto-Slavic language Mikhail Saenko Pages 55-68
Secondary functions in the names of fruits, vegetables, berries and mushrooms in the Polish and Russian languages Nataliya Ananeva Pages 69-77
To the 90th anniversary of Valentin Lavrentievich Yanin
To the origin of Gostomysl of Novgorod Vladimir Petrukhin Pages 78-83
Interactions between the Catholics and Orthodox Christians in Eastern Europe in the historical work of Justus Ludwik Decjusz Boris Florya Pages 84-88
To the history of the «Tale of Ropata of Novgorod»: the younger folklore (Pogodin's or «Farluk's») redaction of the plot Anatoliy Turilov Pages 89-93
Memorial inscriptions in Slavic pilgrims of the eightteenth and nineteenth century in St. Michael the Archangel Monastery in Jerusalem (preliminary publication) Leonid A. Belyaev / Кirill Vach Pages 94-99
From the History of Slavic Studies
A precious letter R. Ekkert Pages 100-102
И.В. Поздеева. Человек. Книга. История. Московская печать XVII века (Труды исторического факультета МГУ. Сер. II: Исторические исследования [43]) Valeriy Kerov Pages 103-105
К.В. Никифоров. Начертаније Илије Гарашанина и спољашња политика Србије 1842–1853 Radomir Popovich Pages 106-110
М.А. Бирман. П.М. Бицилли (1879–1953). Жизнь и творчество Viktor Kosik Pages 111-114
Ю. Буйських. «Колись русалки по землi ходили…». Жiночi образи української мiфологiї Olga Belova Pages 115-120
M. Kujawska, Ł. Łuczaj, J. Sosnowska, P. Klepacki. Rośliny w wierzeniach i zwyczajach ludowych. Słownik Adama Fischera V. Kolosova Pages 121-123
С.Т. Таранец. Подолье. Традиционная культура и повседневная жизнь русских старообрядцев в XX – начале XXI века L. Gavrushina Pages 124-126
Лексикологија и лексикографија у светлу савремених приступа. Зборник научних радова Ekaterina Yakushkina Pages 127-130
Scholarly Life
The conference «Object - symbol - sign in the Slavic and Jewish cultural tradition» Irina Kopchenova Pages 131-133

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