Secondary functions in the names of fruits, vegetables, berries and mushrooms in the Polish and Russian languages

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Full Professor, Head of Department
Affiliation: Department of Slavic Philology, Faculty of Philology, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russia, Moscow
Journal nameSlavianovedenie
EditionIssue 2

In this article, we analyse the secondary functions of the names of fruits, berries, mushrooms and vegetables in Russian and Polish. We investigate the function of these words in phraseology and their metaphorical usage. There are mutual and different features between Russian and Polish in this aspect. For example, the usage of the names of different fruits, berries, mushrooms and vegetables in these languages (задать перцу in Russian and zadać bobu in Polish and other).

Keywordsfruit, berry, mushroom, vegetable, Russian, Polish, phraseology, metaphor
Publication date26.03.2019
Number of characters26111
100 rub.
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