Issue 2

  • 920 rub.
  • Issue number: 2

Table of contents

Title Author(s) Pages
The historian’s opinion
Marxism, Lenin, revolution: metamorphoses of a great legend Vladimir Buldakov Pages 1-24
Century Politician: Seeking Identity Kirill Soloviev Pages 25-30
Lenin: Socialism, the Narodniks and the world revolution Vasiliy Zverev Pages 31-34
«But the long life of Comrade Lenin must be written and described anew» Vladlen Izmozik Pages 35-42
Oblivion of historical reality is associated with excessive politicization of the past Vladlen Loginov Pages 43-45
V.I. Lenin in the assessments of revolutionary contemporaries (1924) Oleg Volobuev Pages 46-55
V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin) and his contemporaries
Philosophical debates of V.I. Lenin and A.A. Bogdanov in the context of internal party struggle in RSDLP Alla Morozova Pages 56-64
The anarchists on the political activities of Lenin in the era of the Great Russian revolution Dmitry Rublev Pages 65-77
«I had a connection with a group of terrorists»: about B.V. Savinkov’s involvement in the assassination attempt on V.I. Lenin (August 30, 1918) Morozov Konstantin Pages 78-89
About telegrams of V.I. Lenin to Penza in connection with the peasant uprising in village Kuchki Viktor Kondrashin Pages 90-95
The transition from «war communism» to NEP – for the sake of peasants or workers? Yuriy Zhukov Pages 96-117
History of power
How they searched for Sergey Degayev Marina Pankina Pages 118-125
Professional community
«Narodnaya volya» in the historiography of recent years Grigory Kan Pages 126-138
«Public history» and professional historiography Vladimir Sogrin Pages 139-148
Institutes and communities
The reform of the Church education in 1808 and Enslavement of the Orthodox parish in the Russian Empire Aleksey Beglov Pages 149-158
Metropolitan Iosif (Semashko) and reforms of the public school in the North-Western Provinces Anna Komzolova Pages 159-173
Old Believers and the Constituent assembly in 1917–1918 Valeriy Kerov Pages 174-185
Genesis and progress of russian studies in Italy in the 20th century as a scientific problem Tatiana Matasova Pages 186-190
Rec. ad op.: Mnogogranniy talant istorika: Pamyati doktora istoricheskikh nauk professora Avenira Pavlovicha Korelina. Moscow, 2019 Aleksandr Shevyrev Pages 191-198
The diaries of grand duke Konstantin Nikolaevich, 1858–1864 Vsevolod Voronin Pages 199-204
Young years of Mikhail Katkov Anna Ivanova Pages 204-206
On what basis did Katkov become the «Moscow Thunderer»? Aleksandr Kotov Pages 207-210
Political education of the Emperor Alexander III Fyodor Melentiev Pages 211-216
«You know by handwriting who is writing to you...» (On the publication of letters of Prince V.P. Meshchersky to Alexander III) Andrey Minakov Pages 217-220
New study on the history of the Moscow komsomol organization Gennady Kurenkov Pages 221-228
Rec. ad op.: «Izvestiya Vostochnogo Instituta» (nachalo XX veka): iz fondov bibliotek Vladivostoka». Bibliograficheskiy ukazatel’. Vladivostok, 2018 Yulia Blagoder Pages 229-233

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