USA: Politics and Society
The White Working Class as Trump’s Electorate Base |
Oksana Bogaevskaya
Victoriya Yu. Zhuravleva
Pages 5-14 |
The U.S. Missile Defense Policy Perspectives During the J. Biden Administration |
Oleg Krivolapov
Pages 15-23 |
Domestic Factors of the Biden Administration’s Strategy in The Middle East |
Inna V. Shumilina
Pages 24-30 |
Economy, Economic Theory
“Path-Dependency” Effect in Japan-U.S. Trade |
Zoia Podoba
Zoia S. Gorshkov
Pages 31-39 |
End of Enegy Coal Era |
Mikhail V. Sinitsyn
Pages 40-48 |
Pharmaceutical Leadership of Countries: Role of Accumulative Effect of R&D Expenditures and Effect of Imports Continuity |
Svetlana A. Balashova
Natalia A. Volgina
Pages 49-59 |
Bioinformation Technologies in the Medical Field: Achievements and Challenges |
Vera A. Sautkina
Pages 60-68 |
Europe: New Realities
Vox – Spanish Variant of Radical Right Party in Present-Day Europe |
Sergey Khenkin
Pages 69-78 |
Countries and Regions
Promoting Russian Economic Interests in Southern Africa |
Alexey Kuznetsov
Pages 79-87 |
Russıan-Turkısh Relatıons after 2015: New Trends, Old Dilemmas |
Sergey Sherstyukov
Nicole V. Bodıshteanu
Pages 88-96 |
Migration in Contemporary World
“Islamic Factor” and Socio-Political Debate on Immigration in Modern France |
Natalia Yu. Lapina
Pages 97-105 |
Foreign Terrorist Fighters as a Factor of Securitization of the EU Migration Policy |
Olga Potemkina
Pages 106-114 |
“The Common Spaces”
The Eagean Sea of Contradictions (Part II) |
Pavel Gudev
Pages 115-122 |
Russia on the Northern Sea Route: Having the Cake and Eating It Too |
Andrei A. Todorov
Pages 123-130 |
From the history of IMEMO
Academician Nodari Simonia – the Last Marxist |
Petr Cherkasov
Pages 131-140 |
Around Books
A Relational Look at International Relations |
Nikolai Gudalov
Pages 141-146 |
A New View Point on Income Inequality |
Vilenin G. Klinov
Pages 147-151 |