Issue 3

  • 920 rub.
  • Volume: 78
  • Issue number: 3

Table of contents

Title Author(s) Pages
The King's Official Weni Errand in the South (on the Question of E. Bloxam's Hypothesis) Roman Orekhov Pages 501-518
Phryne Made Naked by Hyperides, or Rhetoric of Gesture in Ancient Athens (Towards the problem of nonverbal elements in the discourse) Igor Surikov Pages 519-544
The Elogium from Polla: Herdsmen and Ploughmen on Ager Publicus in the 2nd Century BC Maria Kirillova Pages 545-560
A Character in Search of Authors: Three Unwritten Works about Cicero's Consulship Natalia Bugaeva Pages 561-580
Latin Inscription from Azerbaijan: Problems and History of Interpretation Alexandr Smyshlyev Pages 581-610
Sacral and Mythological Topography of Kelainai According to Pseudo-Plutarch Lada Semenchenko Pages 611-628
Some Notes on the Historical Background of the Cambyses Romance Michal Habaj Pages 629-643
“Ethiopians” and the Image of an “Ethiopian” in Egyptian Monastic Literature of 4th–5th Century A.D. Anton Voytenko Pages 644-664
Seven Cylinder Seals with Nabu's Symbol from the Collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts Anastasia Iasenovskaia Pages 665-679
New Dedicatory Inscription of King Aspourgos from Gorgippia Natalia Zavoykina / Vladimir Konstantinov / Andrey Novichikhin Pages 680-692
New Inscriptions from Tanais Askold Ivanchik / Sergei Il'yashenko Pages 693-710
Pages of historiography
Aspects of the Biography Otto Böhtlingk (1815–1904) Aleksey Vigasin Pages 711-721
Reviews and Bibliography
Sophocles. Oedipus the King: Critical edition / ed. by M. Agosto. Moscow University Publisher, 2016 124 p. Alexandr Kuznetsov Pages 722-723
“Sophists” of Philostratus in Russian Translation Alexander Makhlayuk Pages 724-730
S. A. Zhebelyev . Russkoe arkheologicheskoe obshchestvo za tret’yu chetvert’ svoego sushchestvovaniya: 1897–1921. Istoricheskiy ocherk. Biobibliograficheskiy slovar’ chlenov RAO (1846–1924)/ Sost. i otv. red. I.V. Tunkina. М., 2017 Mikhail Bukharin Pages 731-737
On the Christian Epigraphy of the Northern Black Sea Region in the New Book by V. Yaylenko Andrey Vinogradov Pages 738-745
Provincial Historian and His Times. S. S. Kazarov. A.D. Dmitrev i razvitiye antikovedeniya na Dony. Rostov-na-Dony–Taganrog, 2018 Sergey Krikh Pages 746-751
Scientific Conference “Economic History of Antiquity in World Historiography” (January 31 — February 1, 2018, Moscow) Tatiana Gvozdeva / Elena Solomatina Pages 753-757
C. Plinii Secvndi. Natvralis Historiae. Liber VI. Under general editorship of Alexander Podossinov. Part 3 Alexander Podossinov Pages 767-795

Система Orphus
