The Elogium from Polla: Herdsmen and Ploughmen on Ager Publicus in the 2nd Century BC

Publication type Article
Status Published
Institute of the World History RAS
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameVestnik drevnei istorii

This article is devoted to the analysis of the elogium from Polla – an inscription about the activities of an unknown Roman magistrate. Having analyzed the existing interpretations of the inscription’s content the author argues that the land mentioned there as ager publicus could be situated on the territory confiscated by Romans from the allies who betrayed them during the Second Punic War. The road from Capua to Rhegium mentioned in the inscription may be dated to the first half of the second century B.C.: it was well-suited for controlling this region and connecting Rome with its new colony of Vibo Valentia. The conflict between ploughmen and herdsmen mentioned in the inscription could be the conflict between Roman settlers and the local population who practiced transhumance due to the specific features of this region.

Keywordselogium from Polla, Roman roads, ager publicus, Lucania, Sicily
Publication date14.10.2018
Number of characters37637
100 rub.
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