Provincial Historian and His Times. S. S. Kazarov. A.D. Dmitrev i razvitiye antikovedeniya na Dony. Rostov-na-Dony–Taganrog, 2018

Publication type Review
Source material for review С.С. Казаров. А. Д. Дмитрев и развитие антиковедения на Дону. Ростовна-Дону–Таганрог, 2018. 102 с.
Status Published
Occupation: Professor
Affiliation: Dostoevsky Omsk State University
Address: Russian Federation, Omsk
Journal nameVestnik drevnei istorii


AcknowledgmentGrant of the President of the Russian Federation, No. МД‑223.2017.6.
Publication date31.12.2018
100 rub.
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