Issue 11

  • Volume: 58
  • Issue number: 11

Table of contents

Title Author(s) Pages
Factorial transformation of some classical combinatorial sequences V. Varin Pages 1747-1770
On a problem of calculating a two-dimensional convolution with an exponential kernel A. Korotkin Pages 1771-1779
Sufficient condition for the convergence of Lagrange-Sturm-Liouville processes in terms of the one-sided modulus of continuity A. Trynin Pages 1780-1793
Direct-dual method of mirror descent for conditional problems of stochastic optimization A. Bayadina / A. Gasnikov / E. Gasnikova / Sergei Matsiyevsky Pages 1794-1803
Asymptotics of the solution of a bisingular optimal boundary control problem in a bounded domain A. Danilin Pages 1804-1814
On the solution of ill-posed nonconvex extremal problems with an accuracy proportional to the error in the original data M. Kokurin Pages 1815-1828
Spectral analysis of one problem of the theory of viscoelasticity D. Zakora Pages 1829-1843
On the stability of a spline-collocation difference scheme for a quasilinear differential-algebraic system of partial differential equations of the first order S. Svinina Pages 1844-1862
On exact solutions of the Oskolkov-Benjamen-Bona-Mahoni-Burgers equation A. Aristov Pages 1863-1875
Mathematical modeling of the flagellated microplavuchtsov M. Zaitsev / S. Karabasov Pages 1876-1888
The method of modeling the dynamics of a rarefied gas on the basis of the lattice Boltzmann equations and the BGK equation Oleg Ilyin Pages 1889-1899
Monte Carlo methods for estimating the probability distributions of critical parameters for the process of particle transport in a randomly perturbed medium G. Lotova / G. Mikhailov Pages 1900-1910
Various manifestations of Wood anomalies in locally curved quantum waveguides S. Nazarov Pages 1911-1930
Flow Modellium software package for calculating high-speed compressible gas flow M. Petrov / A. Tambova / V. Titarev / S. Utyuzhnikov / A. Chikitkin Pages 1932-1954
Investigation of the spectrum of an azimuthally symmetric wave of an open inhomogeneous anisotropic waveguide with longitudinal magnetization Yu. Smirnov / E. Smolkin / M. Snegur Pages 1955-1970

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