Issue 3

Table of contents

Title Author(s) Pages
Demography and settlement
Shift in the structure of the ethnic space of the Baltics from the late 19th century to the early 1920s Andrei Manakov / Александр Сидорович / Ivan Ivanov Pages 3-23
Territorial structure of the confessional space of Latvia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries Roman Krotok Pages 24-39
Spatial analysis and mapping the ethnic heterogeneity of Belarus Aleksandr Sokolov / Ivan Ivanov Pages 40-68
Experience of assessing changes in metethnic heterogeneity of Central Asia territories from 1970 to 1989 Евдокия Николаева Pages 69-85
Nature and society
Ecological conflict within the concept of extractivism (on the example of the Ust-Luga company and the local community) Aleksandra Bocharnikova Pages 86-98
Historical geography
Cartographic materials for studying the historical geography of Northwest Russia Tatyana Andreeva / Denis Orzhenovskii / Vassilii Martynov Pages 99-119
North-Eastern Black Sea Region on the old geographical maps: localization of toponyms Andrey Gerzen Pages 120-142
Criteria and grounds for identifying of historical and geographical taxa of the North of Western Siberia (regional aspect) Boris Seredovskikh Pages 143-158
Methods of regional research
Individual spatial mobility in the urban social environment: models and forecasts of socio-environmental scenarios Arseny Gdalin Pages 159-178
Typology of gravity zones of suburban stations of the Saint Petersburg railway junctions Светлана Самбурова Pages 179-193

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