Issue 2

  • 880 rub.
  • Issue number: 2

Table of contents

Title Author(s) Pages
China’s Involvement in Global Governance: Major Stages and Current Stage Yana V. Leksyutina Pages 6-20
"Pitfalls" of Russia's Military-political Сooperation with the United States and China Yury Morozov Pages 21-36
Japan and South Korea: Allies, Partners, Adversaries? The Anatomy of a Relationship Valeriy Kistanov Pages 37-56
The PRC and the Kashmir Issue Natalia A. Zamaraeva Pages 57-70
Russia’s Turn to the East: Rethinking Economic Cooperation between Russia and South Korea Marina Kukla Pages 71-83
Prospects for Cooperation of the Russian Far East with the Countries of North-East Asia in the Light of their new Development Strategies Xuezhui Nian Pages 84-91
Cooperation between China and Great Britain in the Energy Sector at the Beginning of the XXI Century Vitaliy Shishikin Pages 92-101
Foreign Direct Investment and Activities of Transnational Corporations of the PRC Irina Zvegun / Elena Sizykh Pages 102-116
The Cconcept of Sustainable Authoritarianism" in the Era of Xi Jinping Vladimir Skosyrev Pages 117-125
China — USA — Russia: Geopolitics and Pandemic Andrew Davydov Pages 126-137
The Strategy of "Green" Development in China Elena Kranina Pages 138-151
Stages of Development of the Transport System of the Russian Far East Anna Bardal Pages 152-164
On the Forms and Methods of the Soviet Leadership in Search of Normalization of Trade, Economic and Political Relations with Xinjiang in 1921–1923 Tamara Shemetova Pages 165-174
“… And They Have Directed the Activities of These Secret Organizations to Espionage and Sabotage”. Chinese Sworn Brotherhoods and Secret Societies During the Period of the Great Terror Evgeniy Kalkaev Pages 175-193
The Untimely Insight: the Fate of Spirins Discovery Andrey Krushinskiy Pages 194-204
Nicolas Levi. A Statistical Analysis of the North Korean Overseas Laborers in Poland during the Period 2000–2017: Current Status and Prospects Larisa Zabrovskaya Pages 205-209

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