China — USA — Russia: Geopolitics and Pandemic

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Acting Editor-in-Chief
Affiliation: Far Eastern Affairs Journal
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameProblemy Dalnego Vostoka
EditionIssue 2

The article talks about recent events in relations between the PRC, the USA and Russia, the “Big Three” countries participating in the struggle for the formation of a new world order, their role and opportunities in this process in the context of the outbreak of the global coronary virus pandemic and the prospects for the development of relations between them in foreseeable future.

The author focuses on his conclusions made taking into account the features of the current moment. The main thing is that in modern conditions the most effective results are achieved on the paths of cooperation, interaction and compromise, rather than creating rival alliances and groups, strengthening antagonisms and confrontation. Therefore, today the optimal combination of efforts seems to be optimal for overcoming the difficulties and obstacles that have arisen.

KeywordsChina, USA, Russia, relations, rivalry, cooperation, coronary virus pandemic, new world order, multipolarity, “new bipolarity”, interaction
Publication date10.06.2020
Number of characters36982
100 rub.
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