China’s Involvement in Global Governance: Major Stages and Current Stage

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: St. Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameProblemy Dalnego Vostoka
EditionIssue 2

As China’s national comprehensive power, capabilities, and international ambitions have grown, its foreign policy has also overcome transformation to also include the goal to expand China's participation in global governance. In its involvement in global governance, from its very establishment in 1949 the PRC has gone through six major stages. From alienation and distancing itself from the international system and global governance in 1950s through 1970s, China has turned to fully integrate itself into the international system by 2001, and eventually to become a great power seeking to not only promote the reform of global governance but to lead this reform. The article identifies and characterizes major stages in China's involvement in global governance over the past seven decades, and pays special attention to China’s post 2008 world economic and financial crisis’ foreign policy. It traces Beijing’s participation in the international organizations, the record of China’s involvement in various international regimes, and Beijing’s compliance with international norms and rules. The article demonstrates key features in Beijing’s vision for the global governance system, and examines shifts in Chinese participation in both global economic governance and global security governance. The article shows major channels that Beijing uses to bring about changes in the global governance system and to enhance China’s influence in the system.

KeywordsGlobal governance, China, international system, world order, international responsibility, China’s rise
Publication date10.06.2020
Number of characters43935
100 rub.
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