Sino-German relations: striving for a benchmark |
Albina Galimzyanova
Pages 4-12 |
Soft Power of China and BRICS |
Elsa Shirgazina
Pages 13-25 |
China - Russia: opportunities for joint development of the Northern Sea Route |
Wang Huan
Pages 26-33 |
Belt and Path 2.0 Initiative and Russia |
Boris Kheyfets
Nikita Stepanov
Pages 34-49 |
40th anniversary of reform and the issue of general factor productivity in China |
Zoya Muromtseva
Pages 50-58 |
Features of the development of the Yangtze River Economic Zone |
Maria Alexandrova
Olga Tatueva
Pages 59-70 |
The economic image of China in Russian social networks |
Li Yan
Xu Xiangqian
Pages 71-80 |
Foreign capital in the UK real estate market (using investment from Greater China as an example) |
Karina Gemueva
Pages 81-95 |
Understanding China's Global Strategy |
Vladimir Malyavin
Pages 96-108 |
“The Common Future of Humanity” in China's Diplomatic Discourse |
Alexandr V. Semenov
Anatoly Tsvyk
Pages 109-124 |
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the May 4th Movement of 1919 |
Natalya Mamaeva
Pages 125-131 |
Activities of the Comintern in the Far East (1920–1922) |
Tatiana Ornatskaya
Pages 132-141 |
Soviet lawyers in China (1949–1960) |
Tang Shichun
Pages 142-149 |
Globalization of Traditional Chinese Medicine |
Valery Samoylenko
Pages 150-155 |
Court geomancers in Korea during the Joseon period (1392–1897) |
Natalia Chesnokova
Pages 156-162 |
School literary canon in the Chinese high school system |
Yuliya Dreizis
Pages 163-170 |
Heng Samrin. The People's Struggle. Cambodia Reborn. Singapore: Editions Didier Millet, 2018. |
N. Bektimirova
Pages 171-173 |
Kuharenko N.V., Kuharenko S.V. Chinese communities in the USA and Europe: history, culture, religion. Blagoveshchensk: Publishing House of BSPU, 2019. |
Vladimir Petrovsky
Pages 174-175 |