Interaction of Core and Periphery of the International System: Historical Analysis |
Konstantin Minyar-Beloruchev
Pages 5-20 |
The Implementation of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk as a Problem of Modern Historiography |
Leonty Lannik
Pages 21-36 |
The Bishop Controversy in British North American Colonies in the 18th Century |
Irina Khruleva
Pages 37-53 |
Image of the League of Nations in the Discourse of Russian PostRevolutionary Emigration in the Early 1920s |
Natalia Vasilieva
Pages 54-66 |
The Mediterranean Security Problem in the Foreign Policy of Great Britain (Spring 1938 — Spring 1939) |
Anna Savinova
Pages 67-82 |
The Great Powers in the Middle East (1945-1956): The Range of Interaction |
Tsisnamу Chikaidze
Pages 83-97 |
The Moscow Treaty between the USSR and the FRG: From the Signing to the Ratification (August 12, 1970 — June 3, 1972) |
Aleksei Filitov
Pages 98-110 |
The Nixon Administration’s Approach to Engagement with France in the Middle East Settlement in 1969–1971 |
Ilia Lakstygal
Pages 111-126 |
The Problem of Historical Memory in Germany During the Chancellorship of Gerhard Schröder |
Marina Novikova
Pages 127-137 |
Brexit and the Political Future of Northern Ireland |
Ivan Krivushin
Pages 138-156 |
A Russian Student in 18th Century Paris: New Data for the Biography of Théodore Karjavine |
Galina Kosmolinskaya
Pages 157-178 |
From May Tree to the Tree of Liberty: From the History of Symbolics of the American Revolution |
Maria Filimonova
Pages 179-198 |
Rec. ad ор.: V. P. Smirnov. WHAT IS HISTORY AND WHY DOES IT NEED? (reflections of the historian). Moscow: Publisher Stepanenko, 2019, 172 p. |
Galina Kaninskaya
Pages 199-202 |
Health and Medicine at the French Court (XVII–XVIII Centuries) (Santé et médecine à la cour de France (XVIe–XVIIIe siècles). Paris, 2018) |
Elena Berger
Pages 203-207 |
"Russian" Life of Elena Karageorgievich (G. I. Shevtsova. Red Poppies for the Princess. Materials for the Biography of Princess Elena Petrovna. Novi Sad, 2019) |
Milana Zivanovic
Pages 207-209 |
Russian Museums in World War II (C. Kuhr-Korolev, U. Schmiegelt-Rietig, E. Zubkova In Zusammenarbeit mit Eichwede W. Raub und Rettung. Russische Museen im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Wien – Köln – Weimar, 2019) |
Tatyana Timofeeva
Pages 209-213 |
Afro-Asian Diaspora in the UK After the Second World War (G. A. Karpov. African-Asian Communities of Great Britain in the Second Half of the 20th and Beginning of the 21st Centuries. [s.l.], 2018) |
Elena Khakhalkina
Pages 214-217 |
"Round Table" in the Framework of the International Scientific and Humanitarian Forum |
Margarita Kouzmina
Pages 218-121 |