A Russian Student in 18th Century Paris: New Data for the Biography of Théodore Karjavine

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of World History, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameNovaia i noveishaia istoriia
EditionIssue 4

The article examines the sojourn in France of Théodore Karjavine (1745—1812), a Russian commoner (raznochinets), and, in particular, his studies at «Parisian schools». Karjavine’s life was intricately connected with both France and the United States of America. Wherever he went he was not only an attentive observer, but also a participant in the historical events taking place in the second half of the 18th century. However, when one turns to the French episodes in Karjavine’s biography, significant gaps emerge that require new archival searches. This article introduces new documents uncovered by the author in the Archive of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Empire (Moscow), and provides the first scholarly analysis of them. Among these, in particular, is the original French version of the note «Mémoire concernant Théodore Karjavine de Saint Petersbourg» (July 5/16, 1760) composed by Karjavine’s guardian, the Paris bookseller Jean-Thomas Hérissant, addressed to the Russian Empress through the acting ambassador in Paris, Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Golitsyn. The contents of this «Mémoire» had previously been known only in an anonymous Russian translation, kept among the papers of the historian Boris Koplan in the Manuscript Department of the Russian National Library in St. Petersburg. The memoir providing an incredibly detailed account of Karjavine’s academic success and his program of further studies at the university, had the aim of securing for Hérissant the status of de jure guardian with appropriate remuneration. The analysis of Hérissant’s allows us to clarify a number of circumstances in the history of the «Russian Parisian» Fedor Karjavine, as well as to clarify features of training in the Catholic Sorbonne in the 18th century, where some Russians studied from time to time.

Keywordsthe Age of Enlightenment, University of Paris, College, humanitarian education, College of Foreign Affairs, catholicism, jansenism
Publication date06.08.2020
Number of characters67386
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