Modern History
Victor Duruy - Historian and Liberal Minister of the Second Empire in France |
Igor Ignatchenko
Pages 3-13 |
XXth Century
From Isolationism to «Internationalism»: Evolution of United States Foreign Policy Strategy |
Olga Bazhenova
Pages 14-21 |
Debates on the Prospects of China’s Development in the 1920—40s |
Olga N. Borokh
Pages 22-37 |
Current History
Ecuador at the Crossroads |
Emil Dabaghyan
Pages 38-49 |
Historical prerequisites of the Lega Nord |
Vladimir Zhdanov
Pages 50-59 |
Russia and the World
“A Child of Intrigue and Madness”: the Reaction of British Diplomacy to the Policy of Armed Neutrality of Catherine II |
Tatiana Labutina
Pages 60-73 |
Soviet Russia at the Lausanne Conference on the Settlement of the Situation in the Middle East (1922—1923) |
Irina Hormach
Pages 74-92 |
USSR — Independent Kenya 1963—1966: a short honeymoon |
Alexandr Balezin
Pages 93-99 |
Methodology. Historiography. Source Study
Anniversary of the Anniversary: the Results of the 200th Anniversary of the French Revolution for Russian and French Historiography |
Natalya Tanshina
Pages 100-119 |
American Historiography about the Role of German Big Business during the First World War and the Years of the Weimar Republic |
Alexandr Bogdashkin
Pages 120-129 |
Historians` Pen-Potrtaits
Vladilen Nikolaevich Vinogradov (1925—2017) |
Natalia Kalashnikova
Alexandr Stykalin
Pages 130-138 |
Hard Way to Khrushchev Thaw. In the Eyes of a Leningrad Student |
Apollon Davidson
Pages 139-149 |
Historical Students and the "Special Mission" |
Ilya Kremer
Pages 150-155 |
Documentary Essays
Raymond Poincaré — President of the Third Republic |
Petr Cherkasov
Pages 156-172 |
The Great Prince-Elector Friedrich Wilhelm |
Mikhail Belyaev
Yuriy Ivonin
Pages 173-184 |
Delhi in British Colonial Policy of the Beginning of the XX Century: Getting Capital Status |
Ilya B. Spektor
Pages 185-189 |
Book Reviews
Yu. G. Aleksandrov. Yevraziyskaya ekonomicheskaya integratsiya: YEAES. M .: Analitichesko-konsul'tativnyy tsentr “Strategicheskiye izyskaniya”, 2018, 272 s |
Aleksey Kiva
Pages 190-191 |
J. Thies. EVIAN 1938. ALS DIE WELT DIE JUDEN VERRIET. Essen: Klartext-Verlag, 2017, 200 S. |
Boris Khavkin
Pages 191-193 |
N. V. Yudin. Patrioticheskiy pod"yem v stranakh Antanty v nachale Pervoy mirovoy voyny. M .: Russkiy fond sodeystviya obrazovaniyu i nauke, 2017, 288 s. |
E. Khakhalkina
Pages 194-197 |
A. A. Kalinin. Na fronnem rubezhe kholodnoy voyny: SSHA, SSSR i grazhdanskaya voyna v Gretsii (1944–1949 gg.). Kirov: Nauchnoye izdatel'stvo Vyatskogo gosuniversiteta, 2018, 616 s. |
M. Strelets
Pages 197-200 |
Scholarly Life
International Scientific Conference on the History of the New World Order after the First World War |
O. Aganson
Pages 201-203 |
Russian Sourse Studies on the History of Western Countries: a View from St. Petersburg |
Vladimir Baryshnikov
T. Goncharova
Natalya Tanshina
Pages 204-207 |
International Conference “Britain: History, Culture, Education” |
Andrey Sokolov
Pages 207-210 |
Round-table Discussion in Memory of the 100th Anniversary of the Execution of the Royal Family |
S. Kopylov
Pages 210-211 |
Round-Table Conference in Russian State University for the Humanities |
Boris Khavkin
Pages 211-211 |