Vitaliy G. Ananiev

Dr.Hab in Cultural Studies

Professor of the Department of Art History and Art Education, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg


history of world museums, Museum business in Russia, documentation of historical and cultural monuments

By this author

Title (en) Readers community rating
A human being and an object in contemporary concepts of foreign museology: The change of paradigms? (Chelovek) -
V.V. Struve and the Institute of the History of Arts (Towards the History of the Hypothesis of Social Revolution in Ancient Egypt) (Vestnik drevnei istorii) -
Theory and Practice of Museum Activity in the Work of S.F. Oldenburg (Vestnik drevnei istorii) -
Creation of Scientific Department of Narkompros: Unknown Project from the Fund of Sergey Oldenburg in SPBF ARAN (towards the 10th Anniversary of Soviet Science) (ISTORIYA) -
N.Ya. Marr and S.F. Oldenburg: half a century of friendship and cooperation (to the 100th anniversary of the Russian Academy of the history of material culture) (Rossiiskaia arkheologiia) -
S.A. Zhebelev in the System of Soviet Science (Based on New Archival Findings). Part I. 1913–1927 (Vestnik drevnei istorii) -
S.A. Zhebelev in the System of Soviet Science (Based on New Archival Findings). Part II. 1927–1932 (Vestnik drevnei istorii) -
European Museums, a Look from the USSR and the Limits of Transnationality in the Mid-1920th (Novaia i noveishaia istoriia) -
S.A. Zhebelev in the System of Soviet Science (Based on New Archival Findings). Part III. 1932–1940 (Vestnik drevnei istorii) -
S.A. Zhebelev in the System of Soviet Science (Based on New Archival Findings) Part IV. S.A. Zhebelev ‒ Honored Scholar of the RSFSR (Vestnik drevnei istorii) -
The Role of Fedor Schmitt in Museum Diplomacy of the 1920s — 1930s (ISTORIYA) -
On the Early Period in the Biography of Ieremia Ioffe: upon the Archival Materials (ISTORIYA) -
“The Current Kind of Museum Staff is Unsatisfactory...”: Soviet Scientific Politics and Training of Museum Personnel at the Leningrad Communist Institute of Political Enlightenment Named After N. K. Krupskaya in the Late 1930s — Early 1940s (ISTORIYA) -