Issue 4

  • Issue number: 4

Table of contents

Title Author(s) Pages
Joint statement by the Russian Federation and the people's Republic of China Editor of the Far Eastern Studies journal Pages 4-11
Qingdao Declaration of the Shanghai cooperation organization Council of heads of state Editor of the Far Eastern Studies journal Pages 12-22
Project "Silk Road Economic Belt" and Safety in Central Asia Elena Safronova Pages 23-30
RIC Format in the Year of the 20th Anniversary of “Primakov’s Initiative”: on the Results of the 16th Trilateral Academic Conference Sergei V. Uyanaev Pages 31-37
The Maldives Crisis in Sino-Indian Relations: Causes and Consequences Aleksey V. Kupriyanov Pages 38-48
Security Outline for the Greater Eurasian Partnership Vladimir Petrovsky Pages 49-54
Revaluation of the role of Central Asian resources in China’s modern energy strategy Vladimir Matveev Pages 55-67
Military Build-up
New Stage of Military-Technical Cooperation between Russia and China Marianna Evtodyeva Pages 68-78
State And Society
Legal Framework for Institutional Investors in Russia, China and USA Juia Magdalinskaya Pages 79-89
Evolution of Gender Policy in the DPRK Natalia Kim Pages 90-101
Theory And Methodology
China builds its own socialism Luidmila Kondrashova Pages 102-114
History and Culture in the Chinese Initiative “One Belt, One Road” Konstantin Sanin Pages 115-125
China and Alexander Nevsky: in the Wake of the Enigmatic Expedition of 1261 Vitaliy Bronnikov Pages 126-134
Soviet-Chinese Cooperation in the Architecture and Construction in China in the 1950s Alla Verchenko Pages 135-144
Innovative technologies in language policy of China Olga Zavyalova Pages 145-148
Internationalization of Higher Education in the Republic of Korea: from Park Chung Hee to Park Geun Hye Tatsiana Mozol Pages 149-158
Scientific Events
“A New Era: China after the 19th CPC Congress” Annual Scientific Conference Center Political Studies and Forecasts of the IFES RAS Nina Demido Pages 159-165
Scientific Conference of the Center for Social and Economic China Research Institute of RAS Institute Elena Kranina Pages 166-170
Dialogue of Chinese and Russian Cultures International Conference, March 2018, Sichuan University, Chengdu Anatoliy Lukyanov Pages 171-175
Book Review
Khafizova K. Dialogue of Civilizations on the Silk Road (historical plots). Astana: Central Basasy, 2015. 416 p. Ablet Kamalov Pages 176-181
The history of China from ancient times to the beginning of the XXI century: 10 tons. / Ch. ed. S.L. Tikhvin. T. IX: Reforms and Modernization (1976–2009) / resp. ed. A.V. Vinogradov; Institute of the Far East of the Russian Academy of Sciences. M., Science, 2016. 996 p. Aleksandr Lomanov Pages 182-185

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