China and Alexander Nevsky: in the Wake of the Enigmatic Expedition of 1261

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of History, St. Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, St. Petersburg
Journal nameProblemy Dalnego Vostoka
EditionIssue 4

The article highlights the problem related to the early period of the history of RussianChinese relations: could the first Russian expedition to China take place in 1261? Chinese scholar and official of the 13th century Wang Yun mentioned the arrival of travelers from the country of Fa-lan in the beginning of the reign of Kublai Khan. The history of the appearance and study of this text is considered. The basic version, from where could come this mission, is defined. The arguments that indirectly testify in favor of the Russian version of the origin of this expedition are given.

KeywordsRussian-Chinese relations, Kublai, Alexander Nevsky, history of travels, Maejima Shinji, Herbert Franke, Peter Jackson
Publication date02.10.2018
Number of characters533
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1. V literature XIX — nachala KhKh veka mozhno vstretit' upominanie o yakoby imevshem mesto v 1567 g. puteshestvii Ivana Petrova i Burnasha Yalycheva, odnako, kak pokazali issledovaniya Kh. Trusevicha i F. I. Pokrovskogo, soobschenie o dannoj ehkspeditsii — ehto vsego lish' literaturnaya popytka udrevneniya bolee pozdnej, dejstvitel'no imevshej mesto ehkspeditsii Ivana Petlina 1618 g. Drugoe spornoe svidetel'stvo o pribytii russkikh v Kitaj v seredine XVI veka mozhno najti v soobschenii portugal'skogo pirata F.-M. Pinto. Esli ehto soobschenie ne yavlyaetsya vymyslom morskogo razbojnika, to ego mozhno interpretirovat' kak soobschenie o potomkakh russkikh soldat, uvedennykh v plen mongolami v XIV veke ili o russkikh plennikakh, kuplennykh nekim sredneaziatskim vlastitelem dlya svity i pribyvshikh v Kitaj so svoim gospodinom. Takim obrazom, nikakikh dokazatel'stv o diplomaticheskikh kontaktakh dvukh stran do 1618 g. net. Podrobnee sm.: Bronnikov V. L. Russkie v Kitae v XVI veke // Sodruzhestvo. 2017. № 14. S. 4–17.

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3. O zhizni Van Yunya sm.: Franke H. Wang Yün (1227–1304): A transmitter of Chinese values // China under Mongol Rule. Aldershot: Variorum, 1994. P. 153–196.

4. Maejima Shinji. Marco Polo’s Forerunners… P. 46; On zhe. Khubile shumi fushi Bolo kao: [Tajnyj vitse-sovetnik Khubilaya — Polo] // Dun yan shilun' tsun: khehtyan' boshi khuan'li tszinyan': [Spor ob istorii Vostoka: k 60-letnemu yubileyu professora Vada]. Tokio, 1951. S. 607.

5. Franke H. Marco Polo's Asia, an Introduction to his “Description of the World” called “Il Milione” by Leonardo Olschki. S. 229; On zhe. Sino-Western contacts under the Mongol empire // Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch. 1966. Vol. VI. P. 54.

6. Ehra Chzhuntun dlilas' s 1260 po 1264 g.

7. Franke H. Marco Polo's Asia… S. 230; On zhe. Sino-Western contacts under the Mongol empire… P. 54–55.

8. Maejima Shinji. Marco Polo’s Forerunners… P. 47; On zhe. Tajnyj vitse-sovetnik Khubilaya… S. 607.

9. Franke H. Marco Polo's Asia… S. 230.

10. Maejima Shinji. Tajnyj vitse-sovetnik Khubilaya… S. 609.

11. Maejima Shinji. Marco Polo’s Forerunners… P. 45–46; On zhe. Tajnyj vitse-sovetnik Khubilaya… S. 607.

12. Ibid. P. 46.

13. Ibid. P. 47; On zhe. Tajnyj vitse-sovetnik Khubilaya… S. 608.

14. Ibid. P. 46–47; On zhe. Tajnyj vitse-sovetnik Khubilaya… S. 608.

15. Ibid. P. 47; On zhe. Tajnyj vitse-sovetnik Khubilaya… S. 608.

16. Ibid. P. 48; On zhe. Tajnyj vitse-sovetnik Khubilaya… S. 608.

17. Ibid. P. 48–49; On zhe. Tajnyj vitse-sovetnik Khubilaya… S. 608.

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19. Franke H. Sino-Western contacts under the Mongol empire… P. 55.

20. Franke H. Marco Polo's Asia… S. 230–232; On zhe. Sino-Western contacts under the Mongol empire… P. 55.

21. Franke H. Marco Polo's Asia… S. 231. Zdes' zhe avtor ukazal i na znakomstvo kitajskikh avtorov ehpokhi Yuan' s yavleniem belykh nochej.

22. Franke H. Sino-Western contacts under the Mongol empire… P. 55.

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24. Franke H. Sino-Western contacts under the Mongol empire… P. 55.

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28. Esli prinimat' za nachalo puteshestviya G. Rubruka ego vysadku v krymskom Sudake 21 maya 1253 g., to poluchaetsya, chto na ves' put' do Karakoruma u nego ushlo okolo vos'mi mesyatsev (pribyl 26 dekabrya). Chto kasaetsya kur'erov imperskoj pochty, to oni za dva mesyatsa mogli preodolevat' rasstoyanie ot Karakoruma do Vladimira.

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32. Novgorodskaya Pervaya letopis' starshego i mladshego izvodov. M.-L.: Izdatel'stvo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1950. S. 82–83.

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35. Krivosheev Yu. V. Ukaz. soch. S. 157–158.

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