Decision-making systems in the development models of national economies |
P. Kokhno
Alina Kokhno
S. Sitnikov
Pages 5-23 |
On economic assessment of long-term and shortterm interests in corporate governance |
Sergey Lutsenko
Pages 24-34 |
On the social meaning of the principle of labor force reproduction costs compensation |
Pol Savchenko
M. Fedorowa
Pages 35-44 |
The problems of harmonization of social and economic development of the region |
E. Popov
M. Vlasov
N. Kengurogov
Pages 45-53 |
New trends in the provision of retirement benefits: from the experience of economically developed countries |
Elena Shestakova
Pages 54-74 |
Functioning of civil society institutions in the USA local government system |
Alexey A. Shlihter
Pages 75-86 |
Development strategy of Central Asian states in the context of globalization and regionalization of the world economy |
Nabi Ziyadullaev
Ulugbek Ziyadullaev
Pages 87-100 |
The еconomic reforms in finno-ugric countries as appraised by the World Вank Index |
Sergey Bolshakov
Pages 101-106 |