Obshchestvo i ekonomika
Chief Editor: Mikul'skij Konstantin Ivanovich
Co-Founder: The Kyrgyz Academy of Sciences, of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, the Tajik Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, National Center for Social Sciences and Humanities (NCSSH) of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
Address: Malaya Lubyanka str., 16, 3 entrance, 101000, Moscow, Russia
Tel.: 8 (495) 624-50-98, 8 (495) 628-83-19
E-mail: socpol@mail.ru
Website: https://inecon.org/zhurnal-lobshhestvo-i-ekonomikar.html
The Journal Impact Factor РИНЦ: -