Beijing Foreign Language School Tung Wen Kuan 同文馆 and teaching of the Russian language (1862–1902) |
Pavel Lapin
Pages 6-20 |
Dagestan in transnational Sufi Networks: Sheikhs from Kikuni and their shrine in Turkey |
Vladimir Bobrovnikov
Pages 21-36 |
Egyptian Motifs in the Ceramic Decoration of Meroe |
Svetlana E. Malykh
Pages 37-55 |
The levels of the Nile floods at Snofru’s time and in the second half of the reign of the 12th dynasty as revealed in the Westcar Papyrus |
Roman A. Orekhov
Pages 56-73 |
The symbolism of the Frog on the triumphal rod of Ramses II |
Anna Volovich
Pages 74-86 |
The pyramid complex of Pepi I Merire: a historic and cultural essay |
Julia Pronina
Pages 87-95 |
About the divinity of the personality of the Dead in the Pyramid Texts |
Olga Zubova
Pages 96-102 |
Pagan burial practices in the medieval necropolis of Abu Erteila (Sudan) |
Maksim Lebedev
Pages 103-112 |
Janabai: from a House Maid to Goddess: New Trends in Contemporary Hinduism |
Irina Glushkova
Pages 113-124 |
Xylographic edition of books in the capital of Northern Mongolia Ikh-Khure in the seventeenth – early twentieth centuries |
Anna Tsendina
Pages 125-136 |
Asian countries: the digital economy and new technologies |
Nina N. Tsvetkova
Pages 137-153 |
India’s agriculture and 25 years of economic reform (1991– 2016) |
Irina Deryugina
Pages 154-166 |
Conference Reviews
The Asian dimension of Russian politics in the views of politicians, scholars and diplomats of the early twentieth century (2018) |
Vasily Khristoforov
Pages 167-171 |
China and the World: traditions and modernity (2018) |
Sergey Dmitriev
Pages 172-179 |
Southeast Asia and the South Pacific Region: actual problems of developments in 2017 |
Ekaterina Astafyeva
Pages 180-189 |
George de Roerich Conference 2017 |
Elena Tyulina
Pages 190-198 |
Africa and the new system of international relations (2017) |
Natalia Krylova
Michael V. Kassaye Nygusie
Pages 199-205 |
Critique and Bibliography
The UK and US Academic Discourse on Russia and Eurasia: a Critical Enquiry |
Galina Yemelianova
Pages 206-216 |
Book Reviews
Review of the book: Robert Darnton. Censors at Work: How States Shaped Literature. M.: New literary review, 2017, 384 p. |
Svetlana Sidorova
Pages 217-221 |
Review of the book: I. I. Ivanova. Evoliutsiia blizhnevostochnoi politiki Turetskoi Respubliki (1923–2016) (Evolution of the Near East Politics of Turkey, 1923–2016). Moscow: Aspekt Press, 2017. 424 pp. |
Amur Gadzhiev
Pages 222-226 |
Chvyr L.A. Review of: E. I. Larina, O.B. Naumova. Skvoz' modernizatsiiu. Traditsii v sovremennoi zhizni rossiiskikh kazakhov (Through modernization: traditions in the contemporary life of the Kazakhs). Moscow – Saint Petersburg, Nestor-Istoria, 2016. 304 pp., ill. |
Luidmila Chvyr
Pages 227-231 |
Review of the book: Bo Ju-yi. Sto stihov jue-ju [Bo Ju-yi. One Hundred Jue-ju Poems] / Translated from wenyan, prefaced and commented by N.A. Orlova. MOSCOW: FGBUN IV RAN PUBL., 2017. – 218 p. – (Ucheny`e zapiski Otdela Kitaya IV RAN [Scientific Notes of the Department of China]. Vol. 25. Ed.: A.I. Kobzev et al.) (in Russian). |
Maria Rubets
Pages 232-240 |