Review of the book: Bo Ju-yi. Sto stihov jue-ju [Bo Ju-yi. One Hundred Jue-ju Poems] / Translated from wenyan, prefaced and commented by N.A. Orlova. MOSCOW: FGBUN IV RAN PUBL., 2017. – 218 p. – (Ucheny`e zapiski Otdela Kitaya IV RAN [Scientific Notes of the Department of China]. Vol. 25. Ed.: A.I. Kobzev et al.) (in Russian).

Publication type Review
Source material for review Бо Цзюй-и. Сто стихов цзюэ-цзюй. Пер. с кит. (вэньянь), пред. и коммент. Н.А. Орловой. М.: ФГБУН ИВ РАН, 2017. 218 с., и
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameVostok. Afro-Aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost
EditionIssue 5


Publication date28.10.2018
Number of characters36
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1. Bo Ju-yi. Sto stihov jue-ju [Bo Ju-yi. One Hundred Jue-ju]/ Translated from wenyan, prefaced and commented by N.A. Orlova. M.: FGBUN IV RAN Publ., 2017. – 218 p. – (Uchenye zapiski Otdela Kitaya IV RAN [Scientific Notes of the Department of China]. Vol. 25 / Ed.: A.I. Kobzev et al.) (in Russian).

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5. Orlova N.A. Kompozicionnye priyomy tret`ej stroki v chetverostishiyah (jue-ju) Bo Ju-yi [Compositional Techniques of the Third Line in Bo Ju-yi`s Quatrains (jue-jui)] // Obshhestvo i gosudarstvo v Kitae [Society and State in China]. Vol. XLVII, i. 2. M.: IV RAN Publ., 2017 (Uchenye zapiski Otdela Kitaya [Scientific Notes of the Department of China IV RAN]. Vol. 23 / Ed.: A.I. Kobzev et al.). Pp. 513–529 (in Russian).

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