Issue 2

  • 970 rub.
  • Volume: 82
  • Issue number: 2

Table of contents

Title Author(s) Pages
Sargonic Letters from Gasur Ekaterina Markina Pages 261-280
“Embalming Caches” in Eastern Giza: Towards the History of Secondary Use of Ancient Egyptian Old Kingdom Burial Complexes in the First Millennium B.C. Svetlana E. Malykh Pages 281-302
Hellanicus and Andocides Igor Surikov Pages 303-318
Amphitheos in Aristophanes’ Acharnians Boris Nikolsky Pages 319-328
Polybian Views on Tactics: The Problem of Traditions and Innovations Eugene Teytelbaum Pages 329-345
Antonius Hybrida: Political Career Before the Catilinarian Conspiracy Dariya Dymskaya Pages 346-359
The Consular Elections of 82 B.C. Wjatscheslaw Chrustaljow / Anton Korolenkov Pages 360-368
Sarmatian Life of a Greek Phiale with a Dedication to Apollo Hegemon Sergey V. Voroniatov Pages 369-391
Personal Names on Visigothic Slate Tablets Isabel Velázquez Pages 392-410
Nomadic Burial with a Pack Flask from South Urals Sergey Sirotin Pages 411-418
Ceramic Transport Flask from the Early Nomadic Burial in the Temir Mound in South Trans-Urals Мikhail Treister Pages 419-439
Inscription on the Flask from the Temir Mound Pavel Lurje Pages 440-445
Bes-Warrior. Egyptian Terracotta Figurines from the Collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts Svetlana E. Malykh / Olga A. Vasilyeva / Olga Tomashevich Pages 446-472
The Story of Zhebelev’s Best Known Article as Told by its Author. A Postscript to ‘The Last Paerisades and the Scythian Revolt in the Bosporan Kingdom’ Maria Kirillova Pages 473-484
M.B. Hatzopoulos. Ancient Macedonia. Berlin–Boston, 2020 Yuri Kuzmin Pages 485-490
K. Sessa. Daily Life in Late Antiquity. Cambridge, 2018 Aleksandr Kovalev Pages 491-495
Anniversary of Mikhail G. Abramzon Andrey Bezrukov / Maxim Popov Pages 496-497
Conceptions and Receptions of Antiquity in Classical Studies. Academic Workshop in Memory of Professor E.A. Chiglintsev (Saint Petersburg, May 29, 2021) Alexander Sinitsyn / Roman Svetlov Pages 498-501
International Round Table ‘Reception of Antiquity and beyond’ (Moscow, June 29, 2021) Sergey Karpyuk Pages 502-503
The XXIII Zhebelev Conference at St. Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, October, 27–29, 2021) Oleg Klimov / Oksana Kulishova / Aleksey Panteleev / Sergei Zhestokanov Pages 504-511
Hellanicus of Lesbos. Fragments. Translation from Ancient Greek and Commentary by I.E. Surikov (Moscow) (continued) Igor Surikov Pages 512-533

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