Ceramic Transport Flask from the Early Nomadic Burial in the Temir Mound in South Trans-Urals

Publication type Article
Status Published
Address: Germany, Bonn
Journal nameVestnik drevnei istorii
EditionVolume 82 Issue 2

The finds of wheel-made Iranian and Central Asian pottery, including transport flasks, in early nomadic burials in the South Urals and Trans-Volga regions have already attracted the scholars’ attention. The reason for writing this article was a new find of such a flask in the South Urals, as well as the discovery by the author of an Aramaic inscription on a flask from the Temir burial mound in the South Trans-Urals, to which the authors of the 1986 publication did not pay attention. The author draws attention to flasks with a biconvex (flattened-spherical) profile of the body (asymmetric), to which belong, in particular, a flask from the Temir burial mound and a new find – a vessel from the burial mound no. 1 of the Studenikin Mar group 3 – Vysokaya Mogila. If so far it has been difficult to trace whether there are chronologi-cal peculiarities in the genesis of the flask forms, then an analysis of the context of the finds from the Early nomadic complexes of the South Urals give certain grounds to consider the flasks with a light engobe and a conventional-symmetric biconvex profile as earlier ones (no later than the last quarter of the fourth century BC) in comparison with the flasks with red engobe and a flattened-convex profile. An in-scription with an indication of the volume, scratched on a flask from the Temir Mound, does not provide grounds for a narrow dating of the flask, but allows suggest-ing that it was written in Chorasmia. Thus, if we proceed from the fact that the shape of the transport flasks is of Iranian origin, it may be assumed that already in the mid-dle or the third quarter of the fourth century BC the earliest samples of them come to the nomads of the South Urals either directly from Iran or, more likely, in most cases through Chorasmia.

Keywordsceramic transport flasks, Iran, Chorasmia, Chirikrabat culture, early nomads, South Urals
Publication date22.06.2022
Number of characters15707
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