Sarmatian Life of a Greek Phiale with a Dedication to Apollo Hegemon

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: The State Hermitage Museum
Address: Russian Federation, St. Petersburg
Journal nameVestnik drevnei istorii
EditionVolume 82 Issue 2

There are silver loops on a silver phiale (second half of the fifth century BC) with a dedication in Greek, found in a Sarmatian burial of mound 1 (second half of the first century BC) on the Zubovskij Farm in the Trans-Kuban region. For a long period these loops have not attracted scholars’ attention. Supposedly, the loops were intended to hang the phiale on a temple’s wall. The author suggests considering them as later adaptations introduced to the original design for using the phiale in Sarmatian horse harness as a breastgirth decoration. This kind of reconstruction seems plausible due to analogies, e.g. Late Hellenistic bowls reused by the Sarmatians in the first century AD. This alternative point of view is supported by several factors such as damage, defects, and deformations of the phiale, its topography in the grave and other elements of the horse harness from the rich grave on the Zubovskij Farm.

KeywordsSarmatians, Kuban River region, Zubovskij Farm, barrow, toreutics, phiale mesomphalos, Greek epigraphy, horse harness, breastgirth decorations
Publication date22.06.2022
Number of characters31405
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