Normativity Within the System of Fundamental Categories of Explanatory Lexicography: To the Problem of Dictionary Typology

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Senior researcher
Affiliation: Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, St. Petersburg
Journal nameIzvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka
EditionVolume 82 Issue 5

The article deals with a system of fundamental categories of explanatory lexicography, the key one being the category of normativity. Based on the classical works in theoretical lexicography and with respect to the current achievements of linguistics, the author uncovers the ontological specifics of a normative explanatory dictionary. The category of normativity is analyzed in terms of structural, functional, social, and historical aspects; the analysis also accounts for the problem of consistent interpretation of the literary language norm in an explanatory dictionary. The proposed understanding of the category of normativity helps to create a system of antinomies typical of explanatory lexicography and to present the types of fundamental explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language that are to be implemented under current technological conditions.

Keywordslexicography, dictionary typology, explanatory dictionary, normativity, historicism, literary language, language norm
AcknowledgmentThe study is funded by the Russian Science Foundation, Project No. 23-28-00407,
Publication date29.01.2024
Number of characters67317
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