Issues of Modern Russian Language
A Quote Big Brother from the Novel “Nineteen Eighty-Four” by George Orwell: Translation and Functioning in Russian |
Maria M. Voznesenskaya
Pages 7-18 |
How Were Nonsuffixal Nouns Such as Призыв, Разгар, Отрыв Formed? A Dicussion Focuses on Direct- and Back-Formation |
Dmitry G. Demidov
Yu Tzu-Lan
Pages 19-30 |
Diabetichka vs. Idiotka. Feminitives Formed from the Names of Illnesses: Features of Semantics and Pragmatics |
Anna V. Zanadvorova
Pages 31-46 |
“Know Your Ryamki”: Words with the Root Ryam-/Rem- in the Russian Dialects of the Perm Region |
Yuliya V. Zvereva
Pages 47-59 |
Metaphorical Reinterpretation of Trendy Words (On the Material of Russian and Chinese Languages) |
Yi Liqun
Pages 60-66 |
Substandard Lexis in the Dynamics of Its Dictionary Description |
Anna S. Kuleva
Larisa L. Shestakova
Pages 67-82 |
The Functioning of the Word-Combinations with the Firebird Component in Modern Russian |
Alexander V. Petrov
Ekaterina V. Vinogradova
Pages 83-90 |
From the History of the Russian Language
The Giant of Propaganda, or Stalin’s Rhetoric |
Raisa I. Rozina
Pages 91-103 |
Priemnyi Pokoi and Priemnoe Otdelenie. To the History of Nomenclature Units |
Elena V. Uchaikina
Pages 104-113 |
A City in the Epic Tale Picture of the World |
Irina P. Chernousova
Pages 114-128 |