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1. Baranov A. N. Deskriptornaya teoriya metafory [Descriptor theory of metaphor]. Moscow, Yazyki Slavyanskoy Kul’tury Publ., 2014. 632 p.
2. Baranov A. N., Dobrovol’skii D. O. (eds.). Tezaurus russkikh idiom: semanticheskie gruppy i konteksty [Thesaurus of Russian idioms: semantic groups and contexts]. 2nd ed., rev. and add. Moscow, LEKSRUS Publ., 2018. 888 p.
3. Baranov A. N., Dobrovol’skii D. O. (eds.). Akademicheskii slovar’ russkoi frazeologii [Academic dictionary of Russian phraseology]. 3rd ed., rev. and add. Moscow, LEKSRUS Publ., 2020. 896 p.
4. MWCD — Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Available at:
5. The Oxford dictionary of catchphrases. Compiled by Anna Farkas. Oxford University Press, 2002, 357 p.