Vitaliy Tikhonov

Professor of History

Senior Research Fellow of the Institute of Russian History RAS


history of science, Russian history, historical memory

By this author

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Rec ad op.: Etnicheskiie elity v natsional’noy politike Rossii. Moscow; Saint Petersburg, 2018 (Rossiiskaia istoriia) -
Rec ad op.: E.P. Emel’yanov. Tvorcheskiy put’ N.V. Ustiugova v kontekste razvitiya sovetskoy istoricheskoy nauki. Moscow; Saint Petersburg, 2017 (Rossiiskaia istoriia) -
«You are a rare adornment of the world of academicians» (Rossiiskaia istoriia) -
«The staff is abundant, there is no order again»: on the history of separation of the Institute of History of The Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union in 1968 (Rossiiskaia istoriia) -
«In the great book about the history of our homeland B.D. Grekov entered many bright pages» (Rossiiskaia istoriia) -
Future researchers will have to consider this book (Rossiiskaia istoriia) -
Rec. ad op.: V.S. Gruzdinskaya, A.I. Klyuyev, O.V. Metel’. Ocherki istorii institutsional’noy struktury sovetskoy istoricheskoy nauki 1920–1930-kh gg. Omsk, 2018 (Rossiiskaia istoriia) -
The polyphonic history of the War (Rossiiskaia istoriia) -
«The Institute played the role of a center of historical science»: from the memoirs of scientists (Rossiiskaia istoriia) -
«With a Russian scope and American efficiency»: collective and individual forms of research organization at the Institute of History of the USSR, Soviet Academy of Sciences (Rossiiskaia istoriia) -
A Scholar of Late Soviet Times and His Labour: Working Conditions and Their Assessment (ISTORIYA) -
Creating a Revolutionary History of the Soviet East: the Turkestan Uprising of 1916 in Soviet Historiography and Propaganda of the 1920s and 1940s (ISTORIYA) -