Doctrinal forms and sources of law |
S. Boshno
Pages 5-15 |
Traditional justice: history and modernity |
A. Avtonomov
Pages 16-27 |
What is the meaning of the separation of administrative-legal knowledge in general and specific parts. Understanding and explanation |
K. Belsky
Aleksey A. Grishkovets
Pages 28-37 |
Philosophical and ideological pattern of contemporary russian constitutionalism. An essay on the possible and indispensable in the course of legal upgrade of Russia ― to support the monograph: N.S. Bondar. Judicial constitutionalism: doctrine and practice. 2nd ed., rev. |
Nikolaj M. Dobrynin
Pages 38-51 |
Balance private and public interests in the light of international standards and the Russian constitutional law |
A. Kondrashev
V. Tereshkova
Pages 52-63 |
Institution of constitutional duties of a man and of a citizen in the system of values of a legal federal state |
Svetlana Khamatova
Pages 64-70 |
The legal nature and role of local law-making at the present stage |
Lyudmila A. Morozova
Pages 71-78 |
Legal regulation of artificial intelligence: the need for regulation in Russia, foreign studies and practice |
Irina Filipova
Pages 79-88 |
Legal problems of resocialization in the works M.N. Gernet |
B Kindyuk
Pages 89-95 |
Proceedings with the participation of foreign persons in international procedural law of Russia and Kyrgyzstan: novelties of legal regulation |
William Elliott Butler
Natalia Yu. Erpyleva
Pages 96-110 |
Regional autonomy in Italy: constitutional-legal aspects |
Igor V. Irkhin
Pages 111-123 |
Articles 10 and 11 of the constitution of the Russian federation: three or four branches of power in Russia? |
Veniamin Chirkin
Pages 124-128 |
Punitive and reconstructive function civil liability: the view of scientists theory of state and law |
S. Komarov
Dmitry A. Lipinsky
Pages 129-132 |
Prospects of development of state regulation of activities of non-profit organizations in the provision of socially important services to the population |
P. Baymatov
Pages 133-137 |
Overview of the international scientific-practical conference “information space: ensuring information security and law” – the first Bachilov readings |
Tatiana A. Polyakova
Natalya V. Krotkova
Aleksey V. Minbaleev
Pages 138-148 |
Review of the book: Legal Regulation Efficiency / under the general ed. of A.V. Polyakov, V.V. Denisenko, M.A. Belyaev. M.: PROSPEKT, 2017. 240 p. |
Kapliev A.
Pages 149-151 |
The role of law in improving the welfare of the people of Russia Yu.M. Alpatov, I.Yu. Grudtsyna. orders of voters to the president of Russia (2018–2024) or the self-sufficiency of the Russian state. M.: Yurkompani, 2017. 103 p. |
Dmitry Pashentsev
Pages 152-153 |