Prospects of development of state regulation of activities of non-profit organizations in the provision of socially important services to the population

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Federal STATE Autonomous educational institution “Tyumen state University”
Address: Russian Federation, Tyumen
Journal nameGosudarstvo i pravo
EditionIssue 9

Changing the role of non-governmental non-profit organizations in the social sphere requires detailed legal regulation of their activities. The subject of this article is the problem of non-profit organizations in the provision of socially important services to the population from the point of view of further legislative consolidation of the activities of the private sector, including in the field of social services. Named question is investigated using logical and systematic methods of analysis and synthesis, formal legal, comparative legal and structural-functional methods of learning. The article presents and substantiates the thesis on the need for more detailed legal regulation and standardization of the provision of socially important services to the population in the social sphere of the Russian Federation by non-governmental organizations.

Keywordssocially oriented non-profit organizations, standardization, right to social security, socially significant services, non-governmental sector, social services market, public Council, Pact
Publication date31.10.2018
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