Balance private and public interests in the light of international standards and the Russian constitutional law

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Law Institute, Siberian Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk
Affiliation: Law Institute, Siberian Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk
Journal nameGosudarstvo i pravo
EditionIssue 9

The paper shows the relationship between private and public interests according to the doctrine of international and constitutional law. Based on the practice of international treaty bodies and courts and constitutional courts form different countries, the authors argue that the boundaries of the public interest must be prescribe by law, in order to avoid unlawful limitations on rights and freedoms. The assessment criteria must have a scientific grounds. The authors suggest to use the proportionality test, assuming that the Russian Constitutional Court may formulate a clear criteria of balancing private and public interests in order to avoid disproportionate restrictions on human rights and freedoms.

Keywordsthe balance, law, a legitimate aim, limitation of rights and freedoms, public interest, proportionality, the private interest
Publication date31.10.2018
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