Philosophical and ideological pattern of contemporary russian constitutionalism. An essay on the possible and indispensable in the course of legal upgrade of Russia ― to support the monograph: N.S. Bondar. Judicial constitutionalism: doctrine and practice. 2nd ed., rev.

Publication type Article
Status Published
Tyumen scientific center of the Siberian branch of RAS of the Federal research center
Institute of State and Law of Tyumen State University
Address: Russian Federation, Tyumen
Journal nameGosudarstvo i pravo
EditionIssue 9

The article is prepared as the author’s reflection on the presented in 2016 2nd edition (revised) of the monograph “Judicial Constitutionalism: Doctrine and Practice” by Prof. N.S. Bondar, judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. Sharing the views expressed by the influential colleague, author highlights the key issues of the political and legal modernization of Russia and that the Constitutional Court is doing to support these transformations. Author notes the importance of forming of an adequate philosophical and ideological paradigm of the Russian constitutionalism, developing of constitutional legal consciousness and constitutional ideology, as well as reaching the legal stability of the Russian society. The general conclusion is that the presented monograph makes the remarkably significant contribution to the doctrinal and applied jurisprudence of the Russian constitutionalism, and it is undoubtedly useful for a wide audience of the interested readers. 

KeywordsConstitutional Court of Russia, constitutionalism, judicial constitutionalism, modernization, legal development, legal consciousness, globalization, sovereignty, law-execution practice, interpretation
Publication date31.10.2018
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