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Amenhotep III and Tiye. Tomb TT 192 (after Kheruef, 1980, pl. 8). (Рис._2..bmp, 1,214 Kb) [Download]
The anonymous king’s wife (Iset?). The Temple at Medinet Habu. Photo by V.A. Bolshakov. (Рис._3.jpg, 1,210 Kb) [Download]
Merytamun (III). Cairo. Egyptian Museum (after Schmidt, Willeitner, 1994, s. 31, abb. 36). (Рис._4..jpg, 1,370 Kb) [Download]
Procession of princesses. The Luxor Temple. Photo by V.A. Bolshakov (Рис._5..jpg, 1,127 Kb) [Download]